My Guinea Pigs Hate Me

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Piggie Life

Teenage Guinea Pig
Apr 15, 2012
Reaction score
I bought home two half sister Guinea Pigs about two months ago. They had a fungal infection so everyday I have to spray them to combat the infection. But when I pick them up they make loads of noise and seem really scared, the noise is like loads of quick wheeking and they dart their heads around and look scared. One of them even tries to bite my finger if I put it anywhere near her :0 Sometimes they eat out of my hands but I think that is just because they are hungry, but when they do eat out of my hand they still look scared!

What am I doing wrong it's making me feel upset that they dislike me so much.
Take it slowly; you have been trhough the mill with them.

Just talk gently, move deliberately, give them lots of praise and tiny peices of their favourite veg as a treat, especially when you cuddle and handle them. It will take time to build up the trust.

If possible, train them to come into a pick up conveyance, a tunnel, cosy upturned hut etc. so they don't feel chased and stressed out.
when i first brought my piggie home, he was so scared that every time i'd even walk by his cage, he'd freak out and dart into his hidey. when i held him, he'd just sit there really still with this terrified look in his eyes. (i call it sweet potato mode xD) i just sat by his cage every day and gave him veggies. now he'll come up to the bars to sniff me and he literally lays in my hand to eat whatever i've brought him. when i hold him, he climbs up to my shoulder and nuzzle himself under my neck.
it takes time for them to get used to you, but it will happen. the pick up conveyance is a good idea! :)
They have been through the mill so probably expect a spray every time they see you! I'm sure they'll come round when they get nice things/titbits etc from you, good luck
They have been through the mill so probably expect a spray every time they see you! I'm sure they'll come round when they get nice things/titbits etc from you, good luck
They ate out of my hand today and seem to be happier, they were fighting over lettuce it was so cute!
oh bless they will soon forget the nasty bits....I always used to stroke Berties nose before I gave him a treat, or picked him up. So he never knew which I was going to do. Mind you I think being a male he is more lazy...:))
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