My guinea pigs don't make any noise whatsoever


New Born Pup
Aug 30, 2024
Reaction score
Tucson Arizona
Hello! I just got my guinea pigs 2 days ago and they are adjusting quite well already, drinking plenty of water, eating plenty, they have a massive cage and plenty of hides to run around in. And they weren't shy when I first brought them home, immediately ran out of the carrier and popcorned all through their new home. One of them even likes to crawl on my hand when I'm cleaning! Only problem is they make absolutely no noise despite being happy. No wheeks or teeth rumbles or anything at all. They are babies still, I'm guessing 19 weeks. Should I be concerned?
Hello and welcome to you and your guinea pigs 🙂 It’s great that they’re feeling so at home already but things are still new and unfamiliar. Not making a noise doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong or they’re unhappy. I’ve had guinea pigs in the past who have never made a sound but I’m sure your piggies will find their voice the more they settle in and if they don’t, that is ok too 🙂
Once they work out your routine, i.e. fridge opening/plastic bag rustling=food, they will probably start to get a bit noisier.

As others have said, some piggies just aren't the chatty type.

We'd love to see some photos. 🥰
Welcome to the forum

Some piggies just are more chatty than others - it doesn’t mean anything is wrong or that they aren’t settled.

I have three piggies. Only one of them wheeks and talks all the time; another makes the odd sound but I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve heard him in the part two years. The third is 6 years old and he has never wheeled with excitement at all, the only time he makes any sound is to screech when I’m clipping his nails.
I did have a fourth piggy who passed away back in March, he was a bit chatty at times but not as much as the noisy boy I have now!
It took a while for my girls to start wheeking.

Gaia was the first to start wheeking once she realised the connection between the fridge door opening, me rustling around in there and her then receiving goodies.

It took Minerva longer to start doing it because why go to all the effort when Gaia is yelling the house down for her? She still mostly sits back and lets Gaia do all the wheek-work but she is the chattier one when having floor time; she trots about the place having full conversations with herself (because she tends to ditch Gaia and go exploring on her own).
Hello and welcome to the forum.

My two at the moment are quite quiet. One of them (Pebble) wheeks when I get up and he wants his brekkie. Baby Patrick submission squeals still. I’ve had noisy pigs and quiet pigs. Both is normal. 😍