my guinea pigs are really fat

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babe marmalade wee-man

my guinea pigs are really fat i give them excercise in a pen they just sit there i give them healty food i dont want to realy diet them incse i starve them
How much do they weigh? Do you have any photos? Some pigs are just generally chunkier and rounder than others. Aslong as you are feeding healthy food there shouldn't be a problem, it's better for them to be a little bit over weight than underweight.

What do you feed them daily? :)
i feed them mainly veg and a little bowl of dry food the biggest is 24 weeks old and weighs 2 kg
babe marmalade wee-man said:
i feed them mainly veg and a little bowl of dry food the biggest is 24 weeks old and weighs 2 kg

What about hay? Piggies need a constant supply of hay, 24 hours a day. What dry food do you feed? What vegetables?
all their bedding is hay so they get enough of that they gt all the grass in the world i feed them carrots and letice and sweetcorn verry occationly that sort of veg.dry foods just gerty guinea pig mix
no sorry typo they get carrots and lettice and veg every day sweetcorn occationly
mmm yep but i dont do the shopin you see (I'm only 13) thier just the suff i get usualy but dose anywone think i should sort of diet them a little?
When your parents go shopping can't you go with them? I'm only 13 and I choose what my piggies are fed mostly.

Mine get (not all daily); carrot, cabbage, lettuce (no iceburg though), spinach, rocket, parsley, watercress, pepper (red/green/yellow/orange), cucumber, apple, celery and more stuff too. :P
babe marmalade wee-man said:
mmm yep but i dont do the shopin you see (I'm only 13) thier just the suff i get usualy but dose anywone think i should sort of diet them a little?

see if your mum/dad can vary what they buy - broccoli one week, green beans the next etc
It does sound like they could be slightly overweight, but like people have said it does depend on what their build is. I agree with varying their diet. I also don't rate Gerty Guinea, changing them to a better quality dry food would be good. If you can't afford such foods as Burgess Supa Guinea Excel then try p@h nuggets, so they don't pick out their favourite bits. What is their routine? How do you exercise them? What do you give them to entertain them e.g. toys? :)
i only can get that dry food i live along way from any good pet shop they go in their big run every 2 days or so but they have a run built onto their hutch and bloks to stand on and tunnels and a plastic draw of water to bathe in and a flower pot on its side
its the BIG grey pig hes put on even more Weight though
babe marmalade wee-man said:
mmm yep but i dont do the shopin you see (I'm only 13) thier just the suff i get usualy but dose anywone think i should sort of diet them a little?

Hmmm, you could always go to a fruit and veg stall, its always a little cheaper, all you'll need is about 5 - 10pound, not much.
You could get tomatoes (dont give them pips), grapes, carrots, (that can cost a little big but guinea pigs LOVE IT) red and green pepper, romaine lettuce (as iceberg lettuce is not good for them at all :)) broccoli, cauliflower leaves, a couple of slices of apple (not too much as its acidic) - That would be an even better selection for them :) And it wouldn't cost more than about 8pounds I recon :) And maybe every 2 - 3weeks you could get them some kale, parsley or spinach, as it tends to be about 1pound something :p - or you could even try growing your own parsley heehee

And if they could go in their run everyday possible (except really cold and rainy days) they would have even more exercise and their little fat bottoms will slim off haha

As for dry food, you could get super guinea excel, its good dry food :) We give out guineas excel they luurve it.

hi to be honest i don't see anyhting that wrong with their weight in that photo. but if you're still concerned i found that when my boars got tubby there3 and 2 so older than you'res but i bought a treat ball and now i hide there food they still get the same amount as normal but they have to work a bit harder for it
slightly chubby pigs are ok,it helps when theyre ill as they can live a bit off their fat supply
Three out of five of mine look like this as well! (I like 'them a bit tubby!) Obviously not massively overweight but they are nicely plump. Well, I don't think they're too overweight - got me thinking now :-\ ;D
mine are bigger than that

autumn 1 kg 200g - 2 years old

winter 1 kg 100g - 2 years old

fudge 310g - 10 weeks old

they get carrot, lettuce, brociolli, grapes, tomatoes - every day, orange, parsley and spinach every other day

when they get floor time autumn just sits there fudge runs round popcorning and winter runs a bit they get tubes loo rolls towels on the floor?
I think they look fine!

My boys are fat too. ANd I agree, more weight is better than too little. My boys enjoy running out of the wooden bridges you can get. I had to return the ones designed for guinea pigs as one of them got stuck! I had to exchange them for the rabbit size ones! Boars are much bigger in general. I think the things to look out for are laboured breathing and sore feet. That would indicate that the weight is becoming a problem. Doesn't look like it though.

I've started growing my own broccoli, cabage, kale and carrots. They are going crazy over the brocoli and kale leaves The seeds cost £1 a packet and I planted them in a deep tub. It does work out so much cheaper.
they look fine, i have too chubby piggies, and two little piggies, don't worry
x paula x
Our heaviest in fidget at 1.2kg and she is definately chunky. Looking at your pics they don't look too fat, so I'm guessing they are just Big pigs! Monitor the weight closely to check if they are still growing or have settled.

Oh, and avoid broccoli, it causes bloat.
how come some people give broccoli and you say to avoid it.

which is right?

i give mine broccoli and they seem ok.
I should rephrase that; give broccolli sparingly, as well as Cabbage and other cruciferous veg as it can cause gas, and as guineas can't burp, it can pose a serious problem. I did read however that broccoli leaves are ok.
I give mine brocolli stalks (and cabbage sometimes)...and believe me...piggies may not burp but they can fart! ;D ;D ;D
omg they can,a piggy fart is as bad as the OH's sometimes...

light a match and I'm sure the place would blow
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