My Guinea Pigs Are Lesbians?

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Elizabeth H

New Born Pup
Mar 8, 2016
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So just recently I got two Guinea pigs, Cocoa and Creampuff. Petco told me that they were both female. I know I should have rescued, but the closest possibility was over 6 hours away. This morning, when I went to clean their cage, I was shocked to notice Cocoa humping Creampuff. I separated them and cleaned their cage. I'm not sure how to tell the difference between male and female Guinea pigs, and the last thing I want is to have a ton of baby Guinea pig babies to take care of. Help?
There's a thread on here on sexing your guinea pigs, I can't find it but maybe someone will post a link.

I also think you would get more help in the Pregnancy, baby care and sexing category.

What's up with the title?
So just recently I got two Guinea pigs, Cocoa and Creampuff. Petco told me that they were both female. I know I should have rescued, but the closest possibility was over 6 hours away. This morning, when I went to clean their cage, I was shocked to notice Cocoa humping Creampuff. I separated them and cleaned their cage. I'm not sure how to tell the difference between male and female Guinea pigs, and the last thing I want is to have a ton of baby Guinea pig babies to take care of. Help?

Hi and welcome!

Sows in season mount each other. That is perfectly normal behaviour. Mounting is also comparatively mild dominance behaviour in all guinea pigs.
Here is more information: Sow Behaviour

It is however advisable to always double check the gender of any new piggies, especially shop and privately rehomed piggies, as mis-sexing accidents are not uncommon. if you find that you have got a male, then please open a support thread in our Pregnancy section.
You will find this link here the most helpful: Sexing Guinea Pigs: How to Sex a Guinea Pig

If both are female, please put them back together.

You may find our information bundle for new owners helpful, as it has got lots of information on guinea pig behaviour and how to make friends with them amongst other aspects that we get most asked for from new owners. " Starter Kit" Of Information Threads For New Owners

We have got members from all over the world and find it very helpful if you please added your country, state or province to your details, so we can adapt any advice to what is available and possible in the US or Canada straight away. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location.
Like Wiebke says mounting is normal behaviour for guinea pigs of both sexes and is part of them deciding who is boss.

It is worth checking that they are both girls as it is unfortuantley not uncommon for pet shops to mis-sex piggies. The links Wiebke have given you are a good way to check or get a good vet/good local rescue to help you sex them if you aren't feeling confident yourself. Our vet and rescue locators at the top of the page will give you some ideas of who is close to you....

Otherwise enjoy getting to know your new piggies and feel free to post any other questions in the relevant sections, we will do our best to answer. Giving your general location on your profile is really helpful so member can make sure they give advice that's relevant to your area :)
:agr: With the posts above.
If you are in doubt as to the sex of your piggies you can always post a close up photo of their parts and we will try to,help you to identify them. However, sows do hump each other!
So just recently I got two Guinea pigs, Cocoa and Creampuff. Petco told me that they were both female. I know I should have rescued, but the closest possibility was over 6 hours away. This morning, when I went to clean their cage, I was shocked to notice Cocoa humping Creampuff. I separated them and cleaned their cage. I'm not sure how to tell the difference between male and female Guinea pigs, and the last thing I want is to have a ton of baby Guinea pig babies to take care of. Help?

If they were just introduced, and they are both certainly female, then they are just trying to establish who will be dominant pig. My girls have been together for nearly a year and still mount each other often, especially when they are in heat. For them, I speculate it's a way for them to strengthen their bond with each other or a way to cope with all those hormones. And who knows? There could be lesbian piggies out there. It just hasn't been studied. For now, make sure they are both female, and if they are, reunite them.
You can always post pics of their parts and get some opinions as to gender. However, female guinea pigs will mount each other as part of a show of dominance or if one is in heat.
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