My Guinea Pigs Are Happy But Not With Me


Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 4, 2017
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So I've have my 2 sows for about a week now, I've recently made them a c &c cage, and they really love it and they fight alot less then when they were together in a normal cag,, they even popcorn :) alot. Even when I sit there next to the cage. But still, whenever I come around or I'm walking around they instantly run and hide until I'm out of sight. Just wanted to know what steps should I take for bonding with them
So I've have my 2 sows for about a week now, I've recently made them a c &c cage, and they really love it and they fight alot less then when they were together in a normal cag,, they even popcorn :) alot. Even when I sit there next to the cage. But still, whenever I come around or I'm walking around they instantly run and hide until I'm out of sight. Just wanted to know what steps should I take for bonding with them
Piggies being prey animals will of course run and hide the minute they sense movement near them. It's nothing personal!
You can try lifting them out while one of them is hiding in a nest or whatever you use for a bed, sit quietly talking to them then gradually introduce a hand to gently stroke them. One of my boars hides as soon as he hears any kind of sound but once he's sitting on my knee he's quite happy to be petted. For a while he liked to be cuddled in his own towel though as he felt more secure.
Piggies being prey animals will of course run and hide the minute they sense movement near them. It's nothing personal!
You can try lifting them out while one of them is hiding in a nest or whatever you use for a bed, sit quietly talking to them then gradually introduce a hand to gently stroke them. One of my boars hides as soon as he hears any kind of sound but once he's sitting on my knee he's quite happy to be petted. For a while he liked to be cuddled in his own towel though as he felt more secure.

That's what I've been attempting, at first I kinda left them alone while I still would watch them and do my daily routine, so they could get comfortable in their home, now that they're comfy, I've started petting them and interacting with them while they play, they dont want me to be picked up d when I do they're terrified. I tried wrapping one in the towel at a time but they try to escape :/
So I've have my 2 sows for about a week now, I've recently made them a c &c cage, and they really love it and they fight alot less then when they were together in a normal cag,, they even popcorn :) alot. Even when I sit there next to the cage. But still, whenever I come around or I'm walking around they instantly run and hide until I'm out of sight. Just wanted to know what steps should I take for bonding with them

Hi! Please take the time to read these guide here. They tell you in more detail how to understand and act around guinea pigs and how you can use their own behaviours to make friends with them in ways that they understand instinctively.
Guinea pigs are prey animals. Unlike piggies you adopt from a good rescue, shop and (most) breeder piggies have had no friendly human interaction before they are thrust into a home and expected to be a cuddly pet. It takes much longer to win their trust and to teach them to be pets than you'd think, but it is worth being patient and doing it right as you reap the reward for the 5-7 years that they live afterwards. Start with getting your piggies to eat out of your hand.
How Do I Settle Shy New Guinea Pigs?
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig
Illustrated Bonding / Dominance Behaviours And Dynamics

Lots more information in here: New Owners' Online Starter " Booklet" For Really Helpful Advice