my guinea pig wont let me touch him

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Jun 4, 2011
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Hello my name is George and i have two guinea pigs (Daren and Dermot):)p
They are both about 5 months old and as we know are brothers.
But when I try to pick them up they run away but if my mum or brother picks them up they are fine.
please help as i want to be able to hold them.:0
Thank you :))
guinea pigs are naturally terrified of everything. I always find stcking my hand in the cage first to kind of announce myself and let them have a sniff lets them know its time for cuddles!
I wouldnt take it personally george. Sometimes I go to pick my boys up and they run off and other times they just sit there waiting to be picked up, sometimes i think its just how awkward they are feeling that day :)) dont worry though ok :)
Try using a cloth bag to hold them in at first. I use a fleece and cotton lined one (Cosy Cavies have them online, just google). This makes them feel secure and you can hold them and stroke them in the bag for a bit until they get used to you. These bags are also excellent for carrying guineas out to the garden as escapes and drops are far less likely. My kids (10 and 11) nearly always use these just to be on the safe side. The bags are a bit bigger than the cuddle pockets and allow a bit more room to move, but if you already have a cuddle pocket then it would be fine to use that.
try giving them treats everytime they see you. that way they'll learn that your to be trusted remember they way to a boars heart is through his belly
Would really agree with Katie Krafter - my young piggies were very shy when they arrived but are much happier to be handled in a snuggle sac/cosy thing. They even jump in now ready to be stroked and will allow my 5 year old to stroke them - a bit:) Always have cucumber in your hand too! Good luck
I always put my hand in really slowley so they can see it clearly. Rather than pouncing forward really quick. They all respond to that really well, and I find they dont run away from me.
My new edition Plop just knows its cuddle time when ive opened the hutch door.He just sits still, and even relaxes on his back for hes so cute.
Almost all piggies run.. it's very rare they sit still and actually let you pick them up. As already said, it depends on their mood.

Don't put your hands above them, stay at their level. If they see something coming towards them from above their automatic reaction will be to run.

I find a little stroke behind the ears calms my lot down and gets them ready to be picked up.

I got a little nibble from two of mine last night, telling me to put them down as they wanted to eat their veggies I had just put in their hutches! haha
guinea pigs are much better when handled now:))
Cheers everyone thank you for your help:)p
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