My guinea pig started to bite me when I feed him


New Born Pup
Mar 29, 2022
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Hello Guys!
I have been reading this forum for a long time now and I finally decided to make an account :))
Anyway, I came with this question because I have looked everywhere and I couldn’t get a straight answer.
So, my two guinea pigs about some months ago learned (I don’t know why) that when they want food or a snack they come to me and start teeth chattering (I went to the vet recently and there is nothing wrong with both of them, I thought it could be pain or something) but they do this only when I am going to feed them (anything hay, veggies, a snack etc) all the time! I believe that one of them (who started this) thought if they do that I will give them food and the other learned and after some weeks he started to do as well.
Now to the big question, When I put the food (veggies in the case), I first clean the spot where I will put the bowl (usually it has hay leftovers and sometimes have poop) but the past 2 days when I am cleaning one of my guinea pigs starts to teeth chattering (as usually) but now he bites me (it is not a big strong bite, is soft but I am concerned)…
What should I interpret with this? Does he do that to make attention like “hey human, be fast give me the food I am hungry” or he is angry with me for some reason?
Is strange because if I dont have food or cuddle him (when he allows me lol) he doesn’t bite, just in this situation… is this normal ? Anyone with the same experience?

Thank you:)
It could also be because your hand smells of veggies if you have just chopped them?

I would start by hand feeding something like a strip of pepper each so he doesn't have the chance to bite and then scattering in the rest of the veggies.
Hi and welcome

I assume that you have a bit of a teenager by now? Keep in mind that your fingers smell of veg and that piggies have a blind spot right in front of her nose/mouth that is covered by smell and touch (whiskers).

Use our piggy whispering tips to deal with unwelcome behaviours in the same way that a savvy piggy adult would. Your piggy will understand the message straight away without you needing to apply any force.
Understanding Prey Animal Instincts, Guinea Pig Whispering and Cuddling Tips
Who is the Boss - Your Guinea Pig or You?
Flora used to teeth-chatter hubs and it gave him the heebie-jeebies. She was just saying "Hey! I'm down here! Was that the fridge door I heard?" but she's a tough cookie so it freaked him out! It wasn't a threat - more a big hint to a tall human who didn't always look down 😂 Then our fluffy under-sow also learnt to join in and do it sometimes. Gentle old George rarely chatters - he knows his turn will come. Sometimes I think they are just anticipating food and 'warming up' the teeth!

Flora is increasingly fussy with veg. She's bored with bell pepper for example. So when I offer it by hand she sniffs it, tastes it, and sometimes sniffs round the hand to carefully find where the veg ends and the fingers begin... and then bites that finger. Not hard, but hard enough to let me know I've messed up and could be trying a little more. Sometimes she bites me twice! Or she takes the pepper, places it carefully on the floor, gives me a filthy look and stalks away. But she never nips at other times and she's pretty fond of a chin stroke 🥰

George sometimes enjoys sitting in a fluffy bag on my lap. He likes to be stroked but when he's had enough and wants to go back home he will give me a gentle nip. He always looks a bit worried after, but I do what he wants to let him know he can trust me x
Mine chatter their teeth at me while I am cleaning them out and not going fast enough. I don't think it's a sign they are cross with me, just a bit impatient.

Reading through your post OP, I got the strong impression your piggies are training you :lol: