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My guinea pig nail is bleeding it was 30 min ago she won’t let me check


New Born Pup
Jan 6, 2025
Reaction score
I didn’t put anything on it either CAN SOMEONE PLS HELP I FEEL REALLY BAD AND IT IS LATE
Hiya! Best thing to do is not to panic, all bleeding stops eventually in one way or another and if she is acting fine and walking around normally, given that it's been an hour now it's likely stopped. As long as you keep the cage clean, it will heal fine and she will be absolutely alright 😊

I've taken off varying amounts of nail over the last 20 years, sometimes just a tiny amount, sometimes right down to the toe (or they've gone and done it themselves!) One of mine even twisted the end of her toe so badly she shattered the bone causing an open wound and had to have it amputated. Even that original injury stopped bleeding by itself. The problem with toe injuries is they're very well supplied with blood so they bleed a LOT to start with which can be very scary, but they also do stop by themselves quite quickly as well.

If she will let you check once everyone has calmed down, just make sure you're careful not to knock the toe as you can shift the clotting and restart the bleeding, this won't really be harmful, it just means you'll have to wait for it to stop again and being "open" again means risk of infection again.

If you don't have anything to put on bleeding nails, simply applying pressure with a clean tissue, cloth or cotton pad is usually enough, if they will let you. But I've had several who want nothing to do with me after cutting the nail too short so I just put them back into a clean cage and they do stop by themselves very well.

So again, don't panic! Don't worry and don't beat yourself up about it. Just watch over the next week or so for any swelling of the toe, heat or redness etc general signs of infection. But I've never had one end up infected, as they heal so quickly.
It's worth buying a little tub of styptic powder just in case.
Hello and welcome to the forum. I did the same thing recently. I felt so bad but Pebble soon forgot about it.