New Born Pup
Pearl is 1 year old, female guinea pig, she has never fallen sick before this. Before I could understand anything, she had already lost few gms and the first sign of her illness I noticed was crusty eyes and wheezing, sneezing more than a normal healthy piggie would ever do. I took her to the vet and they gave few drops for eyes and Baytril for her suspected cold. I kept her warm and snuggly. Next two days I monitored she was eating less so I ordered a kitchen scale on Amazon and my doubt was true. By the time I weighed her she already lost her appetite and thirst. I took her to the vet again and they did an ultrasound and it was found that she has bloating and constipation. She was given laxative and since last two days she pooped all kinds of weird pellets - gooey, clumped up, very long, tear dropped end, etc. She started gaining weight but today I noticed she has lost 30 gms just in a day.
What should be done? I have arranged a visit with the vet. But it will be crucial for me and her to know others experience and suggestions regarding this. Thank you.
What should be done? I have arranged a visit with the vet. But it will be crucial for me and her to know others experience and suggestions regarding this. Thank you.