My Guinea Pig Just Bit Me......... Hard

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There were no other signs of aggression, he wasn't being threatened, he was in his run, wheeking as usual, I put my hand in and stroked his back, he was fine but then turned his head and bit down. Luckily he got my ring rather than my finger, but it was a proper bite, not a nip, >:D I pulled my hand up and he was held on, my boyfriend grabbed him around his waist and backside like normal and he let go.

What happened? :o
ooooOOOOooo have you picked him up and let him know you have the last word?

and are you ok, its scary when it happens, keep us posted on how you get on! maybe you made him jump?
Ouch! Sounds painful - or it could have been but for your ring!

I am not sure how to explain it - I am very new to piggies but I am sure there must be some reason. Are you sure he wasn't frightened by something? Maybe he had piggie PMT (male variety?) lol

Hope you are ok and things are fine between you!
I think it pobably associated your hand coming in as time to leave and maybe it wanted to stay a bit longer...some pigs are very stubborn and like to dig their heels, or in this case teeth, in about such things
ouch , maybe he has mites ? Or was scared when you went to pick him up?

ive only had little nips - ive seen those big fangs and i bet it hurt :o :'(
My pigs bite if I put my hand in their cage. Generally they have a good sniff and then just tend to chomp down in case it tastes nice!

When my boar was a baby he did tend to bite incessantly when picked up but he has calmed down a lot now and doesn't anymore. I think if he wasn't being held or interfered with it may have just been a misunderstanding.
had to laugh at hubby yesterday,, i asked him to bring chanel in as shes the better behaved pig as i was getting coco in,, chanel legged it,, marc had to lie in run until she calmed down and then he stroked her and held her to his chest,, little blighter bit him and legged it. i dont think marc will help me again.
The only time I've been bitten like that (will always have the scar) was because I was stupidly breaking up a fight with my barehands. The piggy in question has never, ever bitten again.
My Harry (H) god rest his sole he passed away 15 months ago,i was bathing him and he bit my stomach i was standing up the sink with him and he got scared and climbed up so i put my body close to the sink to secure him and he bit me VERY HARD he took a chunk out of my stomach it did bleed but it was only cus he was really frightened he never did it again x Emma.
Hi Guineafriend,

Check your piggies skin very carefully,there may be a parasitic problem,either mites or fungal,or both.Often when piggies are irritated by parasitic invasion,they will turn the head and bite when touched on the back or side,just as you described.
Thanks Mary H, it hasn't happened again, and I have been stroking him, but what id the best way to check their skin carefully and thoroughly?
Start at the head and work back.Things to look for,dandruff,scaly white scurf,bald patches,hair coming out in clumps,scabs or scratches.
I should think in this instance your piggy was just feeling grumpy.,or maybe he was fast asleep and you startled him.
Just posted a new topic on biting,it must be the weather,my girl also bit me today
As previously mentioned and Maryh will know when I first got my Bully I had terrible trouble with him biting - he was evil! I did treat him for mites as a matter of course as that was my first thought, but for the first couple of months of his life he was pure evil! He turned 5mths on Saturday and finally in the last month or so he has stopped biting so much, he will still bite when he's fed up with being held (as all piggies can) and when I change his paper in the mornings he chases my hand trying to bite me, but apart from that he has curbed his 'passion' a lot, he now licks more than bites! Once you have treated for mites when your pig bites you, try blowing on him or saying NO! it diverts their attention from your flesh momentarily! Also if you can bear it out and not pull away when they bite you will find that after the initial first (painful!) bite their biting will become softer and turn to lickies! I have the scars to prove this............! :D
i when i got dibdab i was new to the pig thing and wasnt sure what to do when she bit, i tapped her nose, NOT hard,(it was not hitting) thats what we'd done with dogs and i assumed it was similar, that helped alot.. when shes being naughty now i just hold my finger up and say no! and she behaves. ive not used that with any of the other pigs, theyre biting wasnt as bad, the firm no worked for them....
When I touch my pig on the side or back and he doesnt expect it he jumps and will give me a little nip, also his tummy too. Hriusha doesn't do this. But I've checked his skin loads of times and he has no bald spots, and no irritated skin. Is it possible to give medicine anyway? Maybe he's just sensitive?
Yeah he doesn't like to be surprised.. but he loves to be stroked. Good to know he needs no medication.
I have a very aggressive piggie called Flossie (way more aggressive than her name!).

She bites VERY hard if I touch her when she doesn't want to be touched.

She locks onto my finger and doesn't let go unless I push her away or pick her up with my free hand by putting it on her tummy.

I think she does it because she is the more dominant of the two, and I think she is just trying to show who's boss.

Now, I always, always put my hand infront of her nose before touching her, and she usually makes a loud squeak if she doesn't want to be touched.

I hope that helps.

I was bite by Rosie yesterday after I took her outside for a little while to show her off to the neighbors. Just as I was putting her back in her cage she bit me. I don't know if she was mad because I took her out or if she was mad that I put her back in. I am new to this too.
None of my pigs like being picked up, there's always a bit of a chase. To get them in from the run I put the pet carrier down and with a little encouragement they all walk in - at the other end it's easy to just lift them out of the carrier and pop them back in their cage.

Yesterday while getting them out of the cage Cous Cous started kicking me with her back leg to avoid being picked up but thankfully she didn't bite.

guineafriend said:
There were no other signs of aggression, he wasn't being threatened, he was in his run, wheeking as usual, I put my hand in and stroked his back, he was fine but then turned his head and bit down. Luckily he got my ring rather than my finger, but it was a proper bite, not a nip, >:D I pulled my hand up and he was held on, my boyfriend grabbed him around his waist and backside like normal and he let go.

What happened? :o

in my experience boars can sometimes be more aggressive/cheeky than than sows. i had a boar about 5 years back and he was wickid for no apparent reason, biting if he felt like it! he was healthy and happy but i had him from a newborn and basically he was spoilt rotten and treated like a big baby a thought he could get away with it! lol
i wouldnt let it worry you though, maybe he was in a bad mood, sometimes pigs can take notions like anyone else, maybe he didnt want to be petted at that time? they all have different caracters, as long as hes not doing it everytime you touch him i wouldnt worry. O0
my piggies bit me quite hard once when i was holiday her for one of the first times, i think she was scared or maybe i was holding her wrong, she left a mark and it went uite deep, she still nips me sometimes but they dont hurt as much, I'm just scared one time she might bite/nip me when I'm holding her and i end up dropping her, ive heard so mnay bad stories about this happening.
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