My Guinea Pig Is Weird :-/ - No Dominance Behaviour

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 17, 2016
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For anyone who doesn't know, little Barlo went off on a holiday to try to meet a new friend following the loss of Barnaby. He had to stay separated from his potential new friend for a week as he had lice...yesterday they introduced them and apparently neither of them did anything - pretty much ignored each other.

This morning they were found sitting next to each other quite happily! There hasn't been anything from either of them - no rumbling, chattering...nothing. Barlo hasn't shown any dominant behaviour, and Elvis (his new chum) hasn't either as neither of them have anything to react to.

The completely illogical part of my brain is wondering if I have done anything wrong in the upbringing of Barlo for him to be like, seriously

None of us expected him to cause any real problems as he was the quieter more placid piggie when it was him and Barnaby, but now it has happened I'm all 'what's wrong with him?!'

He took much longer to come out of his shell than Barnaby, but did eventually, although since Barnaby has passed Barlo has been back to his unconfident self. He's really reluctant to hand feed now, whereas before he'd be up at the bars. It had changed him definitely.

Basically, has anyone come across this before? I don't even know why I'm worrying, it's not like I can take him for therapy, but I'm worrying all the same
These sound like two very laid back piggies. My boars both aged two are very laid back too. They occasionally have a little grumble if they arrive at the same place at the same time. I've only ever had one boar glue incident on the fleece, never seen humping or much in the way of dominance. If I were you I'd stop worrying and make the most of a quiet life with two peaceful little boars, long may it continue. They sound like the perfect couple!
Heathcliffe and Milo never show any dominance towards each other other than rumble strutting now and then.When I put Kyle in with my girls he didn't hump any of them, just rumblestrutted.
Thank you. I'm sure you've noticed the running theme - I'm a serial worrier!

Truth be told, I didn't expect Barlo to be any different. He's a scaredy cat without his Barnaby to hide behind!

I think I just worry that the rescue might have thought I've done something for him to be the way he is...but it's just him, they're all different. Barnaby was the polar opposite. And I have to add - this is just my stupid over thinking brain, I know they're likely not thinking that, but that's the path my brain goes down :-/

Glad to hear about other male pairings who haven't fought. Him and Barnaby never did either - because I think he'd always just do whatever Barnaby wanted him to do!

Thank you everyone, I will stop worrying one day!
Worrying is part of animal ownership if you care I think.I worry about my lot all the time (and that's a lot of worrying)
I worry about everything too, my OH says I'd worry if I didn't have anything to worry about.
Your Barlow sounds like a gorgeously sweet natured laid back boy.
I am sure the rescue are thinking how divine he is, and wishing they had more lovely chaps like him on their books.
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