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My guinea pig is really sick


New Born Pup
Oct 30, 2022
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Hello, i am posting this again, as it is an emergency.
my Guinea pig Ferdinand isn’t eating. He is pretty old (I’d say more than 5 years) and for the last 3 weeks he has been slower, and sleeps more. In the last 2 days he has not been eating, we took him out of his cage to feed him mashed banana in a syringe, which he gladly ate, but later we noticed he had diarrhoea on the towel we fed him on. Our other female Guinea pig is fine, but Ferdinand isn’t all the vets are closed until Tuesday , we need advice asap.
Please step in and syringe feed him either mushed up pellets or a herbivore recovery feed such as critical care. This ie essential and can be life saving. Feeding him banana is not the right thing to give as it isn’t their main food source - hay is so you need to replace the hay intake with the syringe feed. You are aiming for 40-60ml (more if he will take it) of syringe feed per 24 hours and this usually means feeding every two hours.

Please ensure you switch from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weigh him every day so you can monitor that he is getting enough syringe feed. Any weight loss and he needs to be syringe fed more.

All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
Emergency and Crisis Care as well as Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment
Please step in and syringe feed him either mushed up pellets or a herbivore recovery feed such as critical care. This ie essential and can be life saving. Feeding him banana is not the right thing to give as it isn’t their main food source - hay is so you need to replace the hay intake with the syringe feed. You are aiming for 40-60ml (more if he will take it) of syringe feed per 24 hours and this usually means feeding every two hours.

Please ensure you switch from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weigh him every day so you can monitor that he is getting enough syringe feed. Any weight loss and he needs to be syringe fed more.

All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
Emergency and Crisis Care as well as Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment
Thank you so much, i will do that straight away and get my piggy a vet asap.
As he has diarrhoea, please don’t give him any veg or fruit as that will make the problem worse.
Full liquid diarrhoea is considered an emergency and requires immediate vet care due to the risk of dehydration. Do you have an out of hours vet you can get to?
Good news update- Ferdinand has started eating a bit, he might be getting a bit better. We will also make sure to take him to the vets. Thank you for all the support and advice, those who commented.
Good news update- Ferdinand has started eating a bit, he might be getting a bit better. We will also make sure to take him to the vets. Thank you for all the support and advice, those who commented.

That’s good but please make sure you continue to syringe feed him mushed pellets or critical care, and weigh him daily. Nibbling on a bit of hay is not enough.
That’s good but please make sure you continue to syringe feed him mushed pellets or critical care, and weigh him daily. Nibbling on a bit of hay is not enough.
Do not worry, we will still continue with it untill he gets better