My Guinea Pig Is Acting Strange

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New Born Pup
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Gloucestershire, UK
A couple of weeks ago by two boars were fighting quite badly, and the larger of the two (Caramel) ended up drawing blood on the smaller cavy (Treacle). This led to me separating them, with Caramel in a cage above the original, housing Treacle. I have been hesitant to putting the two together again, but I will try to get them together in the bath to try to calm them down. However Treacle is acting very strangely. He keeps trying to climb up to Caramel's cage, and keeps wheeking (he makes this sound when wanting food) however he has full hay rack, full water and full food bowl. This is very strange and I am wondering what I should do, either adopt a friend for Treacle, or try putting them back together. Thanks
Is it possible to put the cages side by side so they can still somewhat interact with each other? That might help

Treacle obviously needs company and want to be back with Caramel. Please follow our recommendations when staging a re-intro. I would not consider any options that involve separate solutions before you are 100% sure that they really don't get.

I cannot comment any further yet. Could you please give us the ages, cage and the nature of the wounds? A full-on bite is something different to a scratch wound. As any further options very much depend on what is possible for you locally, it would help us enormously if you could please add your country, state/province or UK county to your details, so we can tailor any recommendations that. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. Thank you!
Thank you for your help. I am going to give them a 'buddy bath' in a bit, and then see if they get along better. They are in two Ferplast cages that we bought from pets at home, and we customized them so we could add a ramp, which was connecting the two cages. This has allowed them to have their own space, but wherever Treacle went, Caramel would soon follow, and kick Treacle out from whichever bed he was in, this led to the fighting, and resulted in a bad wound on Treacle's back. We have applied anti-septic cream to combat infection and as of now he seems fine.
Thank you for your help. I am going to give them a 'buddy bath' in a bit, and then see if they get along better. They are in two Ferplast cages that we bought from pets at home, and we customized them so we could add a ramp, which was connecting the two cages. This has allowed them to have their own space, but wherever Treacle went, Caramel would soon follow, and kick Treacle out from whichever bed he was in, this led to the fighting, and resulted in a bad wound on Treacle's back. We have applied anti-septic cream to combat infection and as of now he seems fine.

If the wound is severe/deep, then the chances that they are getting on long term are not great. Please have the wound checked by a vet, especially if it is a deep bite wound that could result in an abscess.
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