My Guinea Pig Has Died Today And Her Sister Has Not Stop Crying

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Jamie Whitt

New Born Pup
Jan 25, 2016
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United Kingdom
Hello so my guinea pig aged 3/4 died today, her sister always stuck my her and when her sister got up she got up. Her sister Lilly has been very unsettled and dosen't seem to want to leave the cage to be held, i have put a teddy in there which she has been cuddling up to she has been weeping a lot. I have rang the RSPCA for there advice and they have recommended to go and get her another friend as she docent seen to like to be by herself. if anybody could help me and make sure that this is the right option also if you know why her sister died at such a young age would be helpful. They had the best lifestyle i could give them they had a big run they always had food and there veg and greens :)

Thanks you for your help, i am really heart broken it meant a lot to me :(
I am ever so sorry for your loss! An unexpected death is sadly very upsetting, but it can happen at any age. Heart attack, sudden acute heart failure and strokes can happen right out of the blue without any warning, and they are not anybody's fault. But as a loving owner, it is very typical for the onset of the grieving process that you need to make some kind of sense of what has happened and that you suffer from feelings of having somehow failed your beloved pet. If you find that you really need a full answer, then only a post mortem examination at the vets can help you; but it is not cheap and you may find the thought upsetting.

Grieving guinea pigs are usually withdrawn and don;t want to be handled or cuddled. It is rather distressing to experience because you feel exactly the opposite. The crucial point is whether your bereaved guinea pig is still eating (even if it is only listlessly) or whether she has stopped eating completely. In the latter case, we speak of acute pining, and in this case, you need to find a new friend asap. If she is still eating, she still has got the will to live and will eventually come out of grieving on her own. It gives a bit more time to look for a new companion and to set up - if that is possible - a meet&greet date at the rescue. With a bereaved sow, you can look at either sows or neutered boar of any age, as long as they like each other. I have done this with bereaved sows of mine several times, and have always ended up with a very loving new relationship, whether is was another sow or a neutered boar.
You may find our detailed tips in this information thread here helpful: Looking After A Bereaved Guinea Pig

If you please added your county (as your are obviously in the UK), we may be able to help you with recommendations of suitable rescues within your reach. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. We have got members from all over the world. Adding your area helps us to tailor any advice to the individual needs instead of keeping any advice general.
I am ever so sorry for your loss! An unexpected death is sadly very upsetting, but it can happen at any age. Heart attack, sudden acute heart failure and strokes can happen right out of the blue without any warning, and they are not anybody's fault. But as a loving owner, it is very typical for the onset of the grieving process that you need to make some kind of sense of what has happened and that you suffer from feelings of having somehow failed your beloved pet. If you find that you really need a full answer, then only a post mortem examination at the vets can help you; but it is not cheap and you may find the thought upsetting.

Grieving guinea pigs are usually withdrawn and don;t want to be handled or cuddled. It is rather distressing to experience because you feel exactly the opposite. The crucial point is whether your bereaved guinea pig is still eating (even if it is only listlessly) or whether she has stopped eating completely. In the latter case, we speak of acute pining, and in this case, you need to find a new friend asap. If she is still eating, she still has got the will to live and will eventually come out of grieving on her own. It gives a bit more time to look for a new companion and to set up - if that is possible - a meet&greet date at the rescue. With a bereaved sow, you can look at either sows or neutered boar of any age, as long as they like each other. I have done this with bereaved sows of mine several times, and have always ended up with a very loving new relationship, whether is was another sow or a neutered boar.
You may find our detailed tips in this information thread here helpful: Looking After A Bereaved Guinea Pig

If you please added your county (as your are obviously in the UK), we may be able to help you with recommendations of suitable rescues within your reach. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. We have got members from all over the world. Adding your area helps us to tailor any advice to the individual needs instead of keeping any advice general.

Thank you for your help i will be taking Lilly to a speed dating session on wednesday and see if she can find a new soul mate as she's never been by herself before she's been with her sister since she was born and they've never left each other :( hoping lilly starts to feel better soon
So sorry for your loss. Wiebke has given you great advice. I hope that your local rescue may offer a dating service and that Lilly can find a new companion
Cant add to the advice above, Wiebke helped me a lot when I lost my first ever piggy as did many members of the forum and the advice always rings true. Sorry for the loss of your piggy, it is so hard to lose a member of your fury family. Lilly will be feeling grief like you are but piggies are really strong. Make sure she is eating and give her the food she really likes. Going piggy dating is a great idea. You are obviously a very caring owner I am sure she will be okay.

Please feel free to leave a memorial for your little one in our rainbow bridge section of the forum
Cant add to the advice above, Wiebke helped me a lot when I lost my first ever piggy as did many members of the forum and the advice always rings true. Sorry for the loss of your piggy, it is so hard to lose a member of your fury family. Lilly will be feeling grief like you are but piggies are really strong. Make sure she is eating and give her the food she really likes. Going piggy dating is a great idea. You are obviously a very caring owner I am sure she will be okay.

Please feel free to leave a memorial for your little one in our rainbow bridge section of the forum

Aww thanks i will pop an update on wednesday and let you guys know if i get her a new friend
I'm really sorry for your loss. Sundae took it very hard when her companion, Linney, passed away. Sundae has always been cautious and has never wanted to be the boss- she always relied on the leadership of the dominant pig. Without Linney there, she was scared to come out of the cage alone and kept wheeking for us when she was alone in the cage as if she wanted company- something that she had never done before. She obviously was not going to do well on her own, but was much happier once we got a new companion for her. In the meantime, give her some time and company. We can't totally make up for a lost piggie companion but we can lend some comfort!
Thank you for your help i will be taking Lilly to a speed dating session on wednesday and see if she can find a new soul mate as she's never been by herself before she's been with her sister since she was born and they've never left each other :( hoping lilly starts to feel better soon

Best of luck! Seeing her happy again will hopefully lift your own spirit, too. You still need to do your own grieving, but you can do it in your own time and not have to worry about Lilly. Please be aware that there is period where Lilly and her new friend are getting to know each other and will be working out their relationship.
You may find these information threads here helpful to understand what is going on, but you are always welcome to ask if you have got any worries:
Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
I'm really sorry for your loss. Sundae took it very hard when her companion, Linney, passed away. Sundae has always been cautious and has never wanted to be the boss- she always relied on the leadership of the dominant pig. Without Linney there, she was scared to come out of the cage alone and kept wheeking for us when she was alone in the cage as if she wanted company- something that she had never done before. She obviously was not going to do well on her own, but was much happier once we got a new companion for her. In the meantime, give her some time and company. We can't totally make up for a lost piggie companion but we can lend some comfort!

Thats how mine was the other one was the boss, just hoping she settles in with a new friend and all goes well :)
Thats how mine was the other one was the boss, just hoping she settles in with a new friend and all goes well :)

It is usually easier to re-bond a submissive piggy desperate for company, so I hope that all goes well!
Good your thinking of getting her a new friend. I just wanted to ask is your little one weeping from her eyes or making a crying noise?
Good your thinking of getting her a new friend. I just wanted to ask is your little one weeping from her eyes or making a crying noise?

crying noise she has settled now, but still wants to stay in her cage. I am making sure she knows that she's not on her own and that i keep giving her some attention she's drank loads of water tho today, which i guess is a good sign, she's eating but not as normal which i expect but as i have no lettuce i cave her some cauliflower and she has fall in love with it so she eating a lot of that :)
Thats how mine was the other one was the boss, just hoping she settles in with a new friend and all goes well :)
I think it's harder when the dominant pig passes and the submissive pig is left behind. We started out with Linney and Frenzy (Linney was VERY dominant, just a really strong personality!) Frenzy passed away fairly young and although Linney was more subdued, she still behaved normally. It was way harder on Sundae when Linney passed away than it was on Linney when Frenzy passed away. I think sometimes submissive pigs don't know what to do without someone to follow. Sundae was just really agitated and fearful on her own in a way that Linney never was. When we got Hadley, who is a lot less bossy than Linney, Sundae ended up being second fiddle to Hadley and the two get along quite well.
I think it's harder when the dominant pig passes and the submissive pig is left behind. We started out with Linney and Frenzy (Linney was VERY dominant, just a really strong personality!) Frenzy passed away fairly young and although Linney was more subdued, she still behaved normally. It was way harder on Sundae when Linney passed away than it was on Linney when Frenzy passed away. I think sometimes submissive pigs don't know what to do without someone to follow. Sundae was just really agitated and fearful on her own in a way that Linney never was. When we got Hadley, who is a lot less bossy than Linney, Sundae ended up being second fiddle to Hadley and the two get along quite well.

Aww i am glad a lot of things i have looked at, the new friend that has come along has always got along with the other one
Give her lots of extra cuddles. She needs to know that you understand her grief and share it with her, she is feeling very lonely at the moment and misses contact.
Give her lots of extra cuddles. She needs to know that you understand her grief and share it with her, she is feeling very lonely at the moment and misses contact.

i have done, she's got a teddy and i have a box for her to hide in when she's coming round in my living room. she has fall in love with the box and seems to cuddle up to the teddy in it, i have also turned the radio on so she can hear something as i am in collage today
So we have got a new friend, she is wonderful lilly is getting along with her very nice. The new one has just lost her friend on saturday so they've both been through a lot this week so the both getting along nicely.

P.s anyone no any names to call the kew one
Hello so my guinea pig aged 3/4 died today, her sister always stuck my her and when her sister got up she got up. Her sister Lilly has been very unsettled and dosen't seem to want to leave the cage to be held, i have put a teddy in there which she has been cuddling up to she has been weeping a lot. I have rang the RSPCA for there advice and they have recommended to go and get her another friend as she docent seen to like to be by herself. if anybody could help me and make sure that this is the right option also if you know why her sister died at such a young age would be helpful. They had the best lifestyle i could give them they had a big run they always had food and there veg and greens :)

Thanks you for your help, i am really heart broken it meant a lot to me :(

up date
So we have got a new friend, she is wonderful lilly is getting along with her very nice. The new one has just lost her friend on saturday so they've both been through a lot this week so the both getting along nicely.

P.s anyone no any names to call the kew one
I'm so pleased you have found a new friend for your piggy and your new pig has also gained a new friend after their losses, with regards to a name I'd leave it a few days so u can give her a name that really suits her character! Bless them I would love to see pictures if you can post any xx
I'm so pleased you have found a new friend for your piggy and your new pig has also gained a new friend after their losses, with regards to a name I'd leave it a few days so you can give her a name that really suits her character! Bless them I would love to see pictures if you can post any xx

I'm going to try and get some tomorrow i will put them on this tread :)
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