My guinea pig has cancer:(


New Born Pup
Mar 13, 2021
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I just found out today my little Bella has cancer. They found a lump attached to her uterus and wrapped around her intestines. They said it looks really bad in there and said that it doesn't even need to be sent off. I initially thought she had a stone as she had same symptoms before when she had one. She also has severe arthritis in her knees. The vet says that I can keep her for a while and give her strong painkillers and give her a good last few days or weeks of her life. I'm devastated. She's my baby. I really want to know how I can make her as comfortable as I can. Any tips? The vet says she will only put her down once she starts to show signs of deterioration but wants me to let her feel the sunshine and to get lots of cuddles.
I am so sorry to hear your bad news, poor Bella sending you hugs too, what a great shame x
I hope you have some really happy times left with Bella. Smother her with love and plenty of her favourite food x
I’m so sorry you have had this sad diagnosis for Bella. I hope she has lots of happy days with you. Lots of painkillers and lots of yummy treats. 😍
She passed away half an hour ago after her operation. The vet called to say she was okay then the vet said she went quiet then passed. Obviously it was all just too much for her. I've had a good hard cry. I miss my baby already. I just need to collect her sister tomorrow and give her extra hugs and attention so she's not lonely. Rip sweet Bella. I love you ❤️
I am so very sorry to hear this news.
You probably feel as if the bottom has just fallen out of your world.
Be gentle with yourself as you grieve
So sorry for your loss, big hugs, sleep well little girl 🌈
I am very sorry you have had to say goodbye to your lovely Bella, grief is hard to go through, but she would have known how much you love her and will take that as she made her journey to the rainbow bridge. Keep happy memories in your heart and she will never be far away. Popcorn free now Bella 🌈 and hugs to you x