My guinea pig doesnt like his igloo?

  • Thread starter Thread starter mikeweezer80
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i bought jacob an igloo because i understand most guinea pigs enjoy a house. however, he likes to sleep in the corner so should i just take the house out? his cage is only 30x15 so i want him to have as much room as possible
Dear Mike,
Is the size of your cage in inches? do you have a run for him during the day?

To make more space in his cage have you thought of a hammock, have a look on cavy courture website, she makes some fab things for piggies.
How about a cardboard box with three sides that way he won't lose any floor space.
How about getting him a friend piggies do need company, although you would need a bigger cage .
Hiya, I wouldn't worry if your guinea pig prefers to sleep outside, this is a sign of a nice confident pig. Hammocks as someone has suggested, are good to sleep on or under. I got all mine from hammockyhammocks . com or, can't remember, but you should easily find them. Cardboard boxes are good too, as guineas can jump on them if they are not too high. You can score the top with scissors to give it more grip, and they love to nibble them too. xx
I think you need to upgrade your cage to a suitable size! 4ft by 2ft is the absolute minimum! You also should try and get your guinea pig a friend if s/he is living alone as they are much happier with a friend! even if he does not use his house to sleep in it is good for them to have somewhere to hide if they get scared.
maybe you could add a shelf to one side of your cage? It would give piggy something to hide under, or sit on, if he likes? It would als save on floor space. Pigloos are a pretty bad choice for a small cage because they take up so much room.

But yes, you and your piggy would really be better off with a larger cage. A lone pig needs as big a cage as two because he needs to be able to exercise on his own.

I think this is a good article on piggie companionship!
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