My GP Kuma is really quiet

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Kuma vr sinc is quit an nvr rally talks unlss h wants foo, alot of ppl say that thir GPs talk an Kuma won't run or jump an ppl say that GPs ar activ but Kuma is rally quit an just sits an ats... ik whats wrong or is it just Kuma's natur?[colorr][fontArial][/font]
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Hi love i'd say it's his nature :)
Is he a lone piggie? Sometimes that's the reason :)
If he's wheeking for his food that's fine and as long as he's eating, drinking and pooping your little guy is fine :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
my zoe and jessie are quiet, and i talk to them all the time, it just depends on the piggy i think, like people. you get quiet people and then you get those who never know when to shut up! as already said if kuma is eating, drinking, going toot toot, sleeping then he's fine. maybe he is the short dark silent type? hugs and cuddles to you and to kuma. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
My romeo is quiet, he sits on his own alot and doesnt really like playing even though hes young.... my girls are all shoty jumpy popcorners though, i think pigs are a bit like us all different :smitten:
If Kuma is on his own he may want company and maybe sad and loney :-\
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