My Girl And I Out For Our Run Today! :)

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Jennifer D

Teenage Guinea Pig
Nov 21, 2014
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Eagle and I went out to Black Diamond to do some Christmas shopping and for a walk at a new spot down by the river! Happy girl! She even rolled in poop! 9 years and it's the first time she ever did it lol! I have no idea what came over her! Hahaha! The last photo is a pic of all of my girls. There's just Eagle left now :( Duchess died at 18 years and big, beautiful Heather died last month, 3 days shy of her 11th birthday! Missed my girls today!

She is beautiful, they all are. I'm sorry for your losses, I know how hard it is, I have lost two dogs in the past 2 years, it's heartbreaking x
She is beautiful, they all are. I'm sorry for your losses, I know how hard it is, I have lost two dogs in the past 2 years, it's heartbreaking x
Thanks! Yeah, it's tough. I've been there with them when they go and I'm lucky enough to have dogs that have died of old age so I should be happy about all the time I got with them, but still :(
Awww, I love dogs. I've been a dog-lover all my life. 18 years is a damn good age,
especially for a larger dog. Its heart-breaking watching them grow old, isn't it?
Sadly both my boys had to be put to sleep, but both me and my husband were there with them. It's hard, but you have to think on the good times and carry on with the dogs that are still with you. I have my two mutts to keep me smiling :) x
Lol! Yeah Heather was a crazy lady :) She's the one that looked like a giant border collie! She was actually a rescue dog that came from a puppy mill where her mother had given birth to 8 puppies! Heather was a giant when she was born so I have no idea where that poor dog kept all those puppies ;) She was a swiss mountain dog crossed with a Maremma Sheepdog and she was such a people dog- she loved to lean on everyone at the dog park! Little Duchess was a spaniel mutt- I always thought she might have been a field spaniel as she was quite tall for a cocker spaniel and not as wide :) She was the one that lived for 18 years! She was my favourite though! I have a BIG soft spot for the spaniels!
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