My Gang & Their Pampered Piggies Biscuits!

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Caviesgalore (EPGPR)

Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 1, 2007
Reaction score
I recently ordered some piggy bits and pieces from Sally at Pampered Piggies for my gang and decided to have a bash at making up some biscuits today from her carrot and coriander mix. I have to say the mix looked totally disgusting, a very dubious green colour ;D. It mixed together beautifully and quickly formed the dough ball I was expecting. Sally had sent me a star cutter so I set about making the biscuits, a lovely messy job. All in all I suppose I got about 10 biscuits, popped them on a baking tray and into the oven. Job done. Here is the result, some very happy piggies!

Some of the gang clambering up to get their piece, Blossom has dropped hers on the tunnel


Bella and Ruby were happy to share their biscuit


Jazz, needless to say, didn't wait to be asked (or offered his own biscuit for that matter), he just helped himself to Flossie's - taking it OUT of her mouth, cheeky boy!


Ruby tucking into her biscuit watched closely by Blossom who is hoping Ruby won't notice if she helps herself to a little bit!


And finally Jazz, well just being Jazz - what you lookin at?!


I have to admit that I did have reservations about whether the gang would turn their noses up at the biscuits, they have done at most of the shop bought varieties we have tried - but no, PP biccies were a huge success!
What a gorgeous bunch of guinea pigs yu have :smitten:
Glad they enjoyed the biscuits

Donna xx
I'll have to get some of that mix. `Cos it looks like those gorgeous piggies of yours loved them. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
They look lick they are having fun! gorgeous piggies - its funny when the just steal food out of each others mouths, my rats do this too ::) :)
They are a gorgeous lot of piggies, awwwww :smitten:
I have been meaning to give those a try too :)
Lovely! I'll have to get some too. Be nice to give them a treat and I think mine woudl go wild for them! :)
Glad the biccies were a success! I had thought about buying them too simply cause I lvoe cooking ;D

You piggies are just gorgeous :smitten: :smitten:
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