• Discussions taking place within this forum are intended for the purpose of assisting you in discussing options with your vet. Any other use of advice given here is done so at your risk, is solely your responsibility and not that of this forum or its owner. Before posting it is your responsibility you abide by this Statement

My first hay poke

Dear Patrick

I hear you have hay poke. It can be painful. I have looked at leaflet "How to avoid getting haypoke" and Page 1, paragraph 3a says to avoid hay poke you should:-

  • Shut your eyes before you go hay diving
  • Eat your way into your hay tunnel then eat your way back out again
  • Run around on top of the hay making it go everywhere apart from in your face
  • Fall asleep on top of a nice hay pile so that when you wake up and feel a bit peckish you don't have to move to find food and therefore avoiding any potential hay pokes
  • Remember to put on your goggles before you go hay diving


Your friend in crisis

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Miss Bramble,

Thank you so much for your fabulous advice. Spot on as always.

I woke up this morning and my eye was very sore. So I sat quietly in my house until the slave got up. I then gave her sad eyes and she noticed my predicament. Hay in my eye. It was so sore. I sat winking at her. She gave me veggies and then poked about in my eye until she got it out. It was such a relief.

Then this afternoon she took both me and Pebble on a jolly to the vets. We’ve been there recently as I have lice too!

A lovely vet called Ed soon sorted me out with remend tears drops and eye antibiotics chloramphenicol and loxicom. I have a very large ulcer. I was a very good boy as I always am 😊

He wants to see me again next week for a check up but I think he just wants to see me again as I’m fabulous. Someone in the waiting thought I was a chinchilla! 😳

Anyway I’ve have my eye drops and the loxicom 😋. Which was very nice.

Thanks for all your warm wishes Patrick

Dear Patrick,
Of course he wants to see you because you are fabulous. Even more so with your alliterative gentlepig underbits!
Enjoy your yummy syringe stuff and be good for your eye drops. If you have any left can you send it to me please. Master Boris isn't sharing his.
Dignified Sir George.
Dear Patrick,
Of course he wants to see you because you are fabulous. Even more so with your alliterative gentlepig underbits!
Enjoy your yummy syringe stuff and be good for your eye drops. If you have any left can you send it to me please. Master Boris isn't sharing his.
Dignified Sir George.
I’ll see what I can do. 😜