my first boar fight :(

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Oct 26, 2011
Reaction score
Bristol, UK
i was having a cuddle with my pooch, and all of a sudden saw the cage move, and lots of noises follow. i kept an eye out and saw my two little men 'flying' at each other. i thought there was gonna be blood it was that bad :/

i went to check if they were okay, and it seems that Jerome was pushing Barney into the corner, and Barney started teeth chattering, which i've NEVER heard before :/

i've kept them together for now, but any advice would be VERY appreciated.
If you can, try to separate their areas and put one hidey, bowl and water bottle at each end. The more space they have, the better.

If necessary, give them a bit time out to let the tempers calm down (one evening gor overnight). A shared bath to wash off any excess smell of testosterone can also help on occasion. As blood hasn't been drawn, you are still in with a chance.
I have a pair of boars that have fought with each other in the past. I tend to give them plenty of space, separate food bowls and separate hiding places. They can still get angry with each other but everything has chilled out a lot more. If it gets too much I will be separating them but at the moment the larger space and separate items are doing the trick.
they already have seperate nugget and veg bowls, and a hidey place each. they also have a water bowl and a bottle so there's two of that too :/
i have the ferplast 140 cage from pets at home, and i'm saving up for a c&c cage.

i'm hoping it's not gonna be a reoccuring thing!
they already have seperate nugget and veg bowls, and a hidey place each. they also have a water bowl and a bottle so there's two of that too :/
i have the ferplast 140 cage from pets at home, and i'm saving up for a c&c cage.

i'm hoping it's not gonna be a reoccuring thing!
the cage looks quite small to me, how soon can you sort out the c&c cage for them?

i'm still trying to decide whether or not it is even a viable option to get a c&c cage as my dog is still rather interested in them, and don't want them to get hurt or worried.
How old are your boys and what size is their cage? The less space, the more stress and more likelihood of a falling out.

Hopefully you will find this link on boars useful.


Suzy x

Suzy, I read on here about the 'hormonal age', they're only babies still at about 5months old! so this could be a reason?

Also read about the DAP stuff, I use this for my dog, and have a diffuser unused lying around somewhere, would this be a good idea to plug it in by their cage?
i've also noticed that jerome keeps walking round with his heckles right up since the earlier incident!
Suzy, I read on here about the 'hormonal age', they're only babies still at about 5months old! so this could be a reason?

Also read about the DAP stuff, I use this for my dog, and have a diffuser unused lying around somewhere, would this be a good idea to plug it in by their cage?

The 'teenage' months for piggies can be from 3 to 15 months, with the strongest hormonal period from 6-10 months. So you are only at the beginning of the difficult months, hopefully the boys will sort out who's boss quickly and settle down.

I've not used DAP but have heard good things about it - quite honestly it's worth a try, as is Wiebke's suggestion of bathing them together as a bit of 'fear bonding' can help too.

Suzy x
i am really worried now,
they just fought again, and this time i was right next to the cage when it happened, and Barney was the one this time who started it, and got a cheeky mouthful of Jeromes fur :/

LOTS of teeth chattering right now, but they seem unharmed (i.e no blood.)

also i can't seperate them until sunday, as i have foster guinea pigs at the moment and no spare cage (& no money either!)

i am really worried now,
they just fought again, and this time i was right next to the cage when it happened, and Barney was the one this time who started it, and got a cheeky mouthful of Jeromes fur :/

LOTS of teeth chattering right now, but they seem unharmed (i.e no blood.)

also i can't seperate them until sunday, as i have foster guinea pigs at the moment and no spare cage (& no money either!)

Temporary seperating can be as easy just attach something down the middle of the cage. But ofcourse, thats if you need to.
i'm still trying to decide whether or not it is even a viable option to get a c&c cage as my dog is still rather interested in them, and don't want them to get hurt or worried.

If you were to move from a 140 cage to a 4x2 c&c you would gain zero space, your cage is the same size as the recommended c&c for two pigs and already bigger than the minimum for two pigs (which is the ferplast 120 size or a 3x2 c&c) so I dont think unless you wanted to go bigger than a 4x2 that its actually worth it :-)
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