Hi, a bit ago I discovered Delta was bleeding from her privates and stuck struggling to go to the toilet from pain so she was rushed to the vet. The vet thought she was male at first because she was so swollen and the vet couldn't tell us what the problem was even after getting a second opinion. Delta got some liquid painkiller and medicine which seemed to help but she's still struggling going to the toilet and her weight fluctuates. She's a mama if that info is important, she was pregnant while she was practically still a baby (we didn't do that to her) but she was healthy before this illness and had her babies some years ago with no problems. I've been doing her bedding every night and wiping/washing her but she seems to always be wet like she's struggling to clean herself, I also give her midnight snacks and that seems to help a bit with her weight. Is there more I can do for her besides a vet visit soon? Any recommendations for food/treats or medicine, or ideas on what the problem could be would be greatly appreciated. She's my little derpy Delta and I hate seeing her like this. Thank you.