My elderly piggie licked me

Both my boys lick, one more than the other. I class this as kisses. This morning I had a blood test and at lap time Master Boris was very insistent about licking where it had been done, bless him. There have been other occasions when I've had a minor injury and whichever boy I have will find my booboo and spend ages licking the site.
Aw you guys. There's a lot of love from our piggies. My boy is in a mood with me as I left him and his brothers in the care of their grandma (my mum). His brothers are fine and were so happy to see me and Billy usually would be so happy to see me but this time he's not best pleased! He stopped me from stroking him and turned his bum to me! He was lapping up strokes and attention from my mum whilst I wad picking him up to take him home though! Just me, then!
I've had some kids who really loved to lick the people... I think it's part affection and part your skin tastes salty.

Then we had Tomie, who used to try to eat us all the time. She was a nibbler, if you let her give your some kisses she would inevitably try to take a bite at some point.