My Dilema?!

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Sep 13, 2010
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So in Januray my little boar Ginger is old enough to be neutered which means he can live with my female sow who refuses to get on with the others BUT....

I'm just so worried about it because he was the runt of a litter and weighed less the 50g when born and he's fought so hard to be here i don't want to put him through it if he might not make it!?

So should i go through with him being neutered or should i find new friends for him and skittles at a rescue?

Have you ever lost a pig after being neutered?
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I've only had two boars neutered and it was a total success for both. However I would go with your instinct, you know your piggies best so do you think Ginger is strong enough to get through the op now? I always go with my instinct whenever I'm considering an op for any of my piggies or rats. Lots of luck! x
I've only had two boars neutered and it was a total success for both. However I would go with your instinct, you know your piggies best so do you think Ginger is strong enough to get through the op now? I always go with my instinct whenever I'm considering an op for any of my piggies or rats. Lots of luck! x

Thanks for the reply it's good to hear yours were a success!

i think if I'm not 100% happy i won't go through with it at the time i love him far too much!
If in doubt, have a check-up and chat with the vet you are planning to use. Deciding on an operation by choice, not by necessity, is always a lot harder, as you feel so much worse about things going wrong...

I have witnessed another runty, blind and deaf piggy having a totally problem-free neutering op and a very happy life with two elderly sows, so it is doable.
If in doubt, have a check-up and chat with the vet you are planning to use. Deciding on an operation by choice, not by necessity, is always a lot harder, as you feel so much worse about things going wrong...

I have witnessed another runty, blind and deaf piggy having a totally problem-free neutering op and a very happy life with two elderly sows, so it is doable.

Thanks wiebke, i have a list of questions i plan on asking the vet and my mums is coming too and if we don't like their answers then we won't use them, i have 3 vets so going to phone them and have a chat with all of them.
Just a quick update I've got a pre op check with the vets we've chosen to use this Tuesday to make sure he weighs enough and to ask any other questions we may have before booking him in.

One of the vets we spoke to was a BIG no no i only spoke to him on the phone and he really had no idea about it and i didn't like one term he used, he said 'we'd knock your guinea pig down' it just sounded off to me, if i was vet i just wouldn't phrase a sentence like that.

The second vet we phoned are the ones we chose she answered all our questions competently and said she could supply us with some references and was generally interested in Ginger's health, it's a little further away from us but only takes about 10/15 minutes in the car so it should be fine.
Any update? Hopefully he flee through his check up x

Oh i forgot to post... :doh:

Everything was great, he weighs enough and said he was in great shape. The nurse was wonderful, her names was Nicola, she was so understanding and was okay answering my many questions!

She said that the younger and more healthy the guinea pig is the better chance they have in recovering and taking well to the operation, she told me about how important it is to feed him as much as he will eat before and after the op, so I'll being giving him food all the way till i take him in and in the car, I'm gonna give them a bag of things likes his nuggets and veggies that i know he loves for when he is in recovery and his cosy sack to keep him snug and warm!

I got to meet the vet briefly too and she said she's has done many guinea pig neuters in her 14 year career and was very sweet, i found it a little hard to understand her accent but she was as nice as the nurse, she told me about her having to neuter the nicola's ferret and that she was as worried as i was hehe.

The only unfortunate thing is we have to wait another two weeks, so it will be the 4th of Feb because the surgery is having a extension built and there is going to be lots of loud drilling and i don't think that would be god for his recovery and i would rather wait so that he will be happy.
Brilliant news :) good luck with the neuter

Thanks Bekki, it's just a lot of trust and hope, but I've got to remind myself I'm doing it for the right reasons... although I'm prolly going to cry a lot after taking him, the nurse promised she would phone me as soon as the op is over!
You won't be the first to do that :) I did when I took my rabbit in for neuter and also when Peppa went in for his lump removal
Good luck Ginger! Glad you found a vet you can trust; it's very relieving, isn't it? I have a good vet too, but that didn't stop me from being a nervous wreck when George had surgery on his toe. I'm sure he will be fine :)
Good luck Ginger! Glad you found a vet you can trust; it's very relieving, isn't it? I have a good vet too, but that didn't stop me from being a nervous wreck when George had surgery on his toe. I'm sure he will be fine :)

Thank you!

I'm glad I'm not they only one whose nervous with things like this, I know she's had a lot of practice and success it's just i love him so much and just the thought something might go wrong is horrible, so I'm going to think positive!

I have had 3 of mine go through 4 operations last year - 2 of them spays on middle aged sows (both 4 yrs old ) - came through with flying colours scoffing lettuce and cucumber as soon as they came round - am sure all will be fine. x
I have had 3 neuters done with no problems, sounds like a lovely vet too! The last one I had done kept him in other night to make sure they were happy with his poo quantity but didn't charge me any extra for that but it was nerve racking. Good luck, I'm sure it'll go fine!
Thanks so much guys, it great to hear when things have gone well, it's makes it a little less scary!
Just dropped Ginger off for his neuter and prepared his clean cage, fingers crossed everything will be a success.

I'm sitting her like a nervous idiot waiting for them to phone even though it's only been half an hour!

Going to pray for him... and keep positive thoughts!

Good luck ginger <3 I know the feeling I had rabbits in for neuter last week and have had Peppa my pig operated on within the last 6 months all very nerve racking stuff!
Hey guys,

My mum was really worried as he still hadn't moved at all, so we warmed a towel up on a radiator and gently eased him out of his sleeping bag into the towel in my arms, as soon as he was out he snuggled up to me and was chatting at me, i offered him food which he tucked right into, the thing he was head first in the sleeping bag and either didn't know the food was there or he was too scared to come out and get it as he didn't know he was back in his cage.

He's eaten 1 and half romaine lettuce leaf, half a chunk of cucumber in my arms.

We think he really didn't know he was back from the vets and was just hiding because he was scared, his eyes are bright now and he's eating.

I'll put him back in his cage in a bit and watch.

Going to be a long night, he's normally cheeky and not terrified of everything but he's so jumpy!

I feel horrible... :(

Hopefully by the morning he'll have perked up a bit!

If he hasn't I'll as to swap my shift at work so i can stay with him, they owe me holiday anyway...

the GA can make them sleepy for a few days, just ensure he is eating, and check for any lumps around the surgery wounds, redness, ousing, and make sure he does not eat the stitches, been there with a few of my own piggies, i have had 5 of mine neutered, 3 i had no problems with, Jake had a hernia, as he was a big boy, he need dog stitches put in, but the vet kept using small stitches, and his hernia kept coming, he went through 3 ops in 3 days, he was fine, Gizzie had a horrible op, as the vet was a locum, nice guy, but he pulled his testicle and because of this the testicle, broke, and ended up in his stomach, this ment he bled out, luckily the problem was solved, then a week later i noticed a lump, because of the testicle problem, he ended up with a abscess, and went through 3 weeks antibiotics, and every day cleaning of the abscess, he is fine now.

i always say please ensure his wound is clean and free from debrie.
Aw I hope he'll be back to his normal self soon good to hear he's eating anyways that can sometimes be a problem apparntly xx
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