My current four


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 21, 2019
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
I currently have four guinea pigs in my life. From left: Owen, Sylvie, Russell and Jack!

Photo 24-1-21, 22 18 03.jpg
Fun facts:
  • Owen is the quickest guinea pig you will ever see, or not, as he's already disappeared.
  • Sylvie is a femme fatale, she's got Jack wrapped around her pretty little finger. What is an abysinnian to do?
  • Russell no longer has a spleen, but man does he have hair.
  • Jack (the Ripper) once put a child in hospital (his eyes glow red so you know he's evil).
Between the four of them my heart is stolen 🥰
Do they all live together or you have pairs?
Russell and Owen bunk together and Sylvie and Jack bunk together. Don't worry, everyone is snipped :cool:. I didn't expect them to cooperate together so much with photos haha.
Jackie boy doesn't like being handled by children haha. The girl is fine, but did have to have surgery to repair the bite wound as she couldn't bend her thumb. Understandably she was scared of him so rehomed him to me and I think he's happy for it as now he's got Sylvie as his mate. As I learn his boundaries he doesn't bite me (as much) lol. But the name kinda stuck.
I’d say it’s not a good idea to put them all together though 😊