Ok, its time for me to introduce my lil ones. everyone else, has, and i have before, but the picutures didn't work
Ok we'll start it off with oldest to youngest.
(left piggy)
Name: Biscuit
Age: 1 year
Sex: Female
Breed: White crested
Colours: Mainly ginger and white 'hat'
Death: alive
Likes: Carrots and her sofa
Dislikes: Baths and unetuered males
A message to her: Biscuit, oooh what a character, she's been through so much, shes cute but she dont take nothing from no one
and bites anyone who gets in her way! She don't excercise much lazy git she just likes to sit on her sofa!
(right piggy)
Name: Coco
Age: 8 months
Sex: Female
Breed: Teddie
Colours: Mainly White with brown back and face
Death: pnemonia
Likes: Hay and carrots, run in the garden
Dislikes: Smidge
A message to her: Coco, i miss you like hell! You were my favourite piggy and we had our 'bonding time' where u sat on me for hours on
without going to the toliet on me. You were friendly and the nicest piggy eva! You bullied smidge though, and i used to
have to keep an eye on you to in the run! i'm so sorry my mum never took you to the vets, (she's left now though)
thankyou for being there and cuddling up to me in the summer x love you my little angel x
(Left pigggy)
Name: Smidge
Age: About....um...8 months?
Sex: male
Breed: Rex
Colours: Mainly black bit of white and patches of brown
Death: still alive
Likes: Females, grass and company
Dislikes: Bullies, Georgy trying to get his lady's.
A message to smidge: SMIDGE! I love this guinea pig. He has no idea how to treat a lady piggy! After being neutured, he's been alot friendlier
with Biscuit, though Coco probably still hate you if you were here. Smidge enjoys cuddles and is a really loving piggy,
but hes quite a big piggy too, when he had to live alone, he used to talk to the hutch ? and he hasn't broke that
habit either, poor smidge
(right piggy)
Name: Fluffly
Age: Dunno....5 months?
Sex: Female
Breed: texel
Colours: Ginger with a tiny spec of white by her nose
Death: alive
Likes: Georgy, runs, hay
Dislikes: Rovy Georgy, And the small breacon hutch, people combing her hair
A message to fluffly: fluffly, you rock! i got you after coco died and poor rovy gerogy just wont leave you be, oh well, hes getting
neutred in Jauary. fluffly only works with the buddie system, or she wont move! fluffly is shy and just goes with
the flow! Though she does get roviness off smidge and george and shows jealously when they pay more attention to
biscuit (aka. following them, chase biscuit squeaking loudly)
(in the picture)
Name: Georgy/Geogry/lil fatty.
Age: 5-6 months
Sex: Male
Breed: Abby
Colours: Mainly white, with black and brown patches.
Death: alive
Likes: Fluffly, chewing the hutch > < brussel sprouts, squeaking! Feeding time!
Dislikes: ? ummm so much
My message to george: omg georgy! hes a ladys man, and a squeak, i luff him, and cuddling him,
Ok we'll start it off with oldest to youngest.
(left piggy)
Name: Biscuit
Age: 1 year
Sex: Female
Breed: White crested
Colours: Mainly ginger and white 'hat'
Death: alive
Likes: Carrots and her sofa
Dislikes: Baths and unetuered males
A message to her: Biscuit, oooh what a character, she's been through so much, shes cute but she dont take nothing from no one
and bites anyone who gets in her way! She don't excercise much lazy git she just likes to sit on her sofa!
(right piggy)
Name: Coco
Age: 8 months
Sex: Female
Breed: Teddie
Colours: Mainly White with brown back and face
Death: pnemonia
Likes: Hay and carrots, run in the garden
Dislikes: Smidge
A message to her: Coco, i miss you like hell! You were my favourite piggy and we had our 'bonding time' where u sat on me for hours on
without going to the toliet on me. You were friendly and the nicest piggy eva! You bullied smidge though, and i used to
have to keep an eye on you to in the run! i'm so sorry my mum never took you to the vets, (she's left now though)
thankyou for being there and cuddling up to me in the summer x love you my little angel x
(Left pigggy)
Name: Smidge
Age: About....um...8 months?
Sex: male
Breed: Rex
Colours: Mainly black bit of white and patches of brown
Death: still alive
Likes: Females, grass and company
Dislikes: Bullies, Georgy trying to get his lady's.
A message to smidge: SMIDGE! I love this guinea pig. He has no idea how to treat a lady piggy! After being neutured, he's been alot friendlier
with Biscuit, though Coco probably still hate you if you were here. Smidge enjoys cuddles and is a really loving piggy,
but hes quite a big piggy too, when he had to live alone, he used to talk to the hutch ? and he hasn't broke that
habit either, poor smidge
(right piggy)
Name: Fluffly
Age: Dunno....5 months?
Sex: Female
Breed: texel
Colours: Ginger with a tiny spec of white by her nose
Death: alive
Likes: Georgy, runs, hay
Dislikes: Rovy Georgy, And the small breacon hutch, people combing her hair
A message to fluffly: fluffly, you rock! i got you after coco died and poor rovy gerogy just wont leave you be, oh well, hes getting
neutred in Jauary. fluffly only works with the buddie system, or she wont move! fluffly is shy and just goes with
the flow! Though she does get roviness off smidge and george and shows jealously when they pay more attention to
biscuit (aka. following them, chase biscuit squeaking loudly)
(in the picture)
Name: Georgy/Geogry/lil fatty.
Age: 5-6 months
Sex: Male
Breed: Abby
Colours: Mainly white, with black and brown patches.
Death: alive
Likes: Fluffly, chewing the hutch > < brussel sprouts, squeaking! Feeding time!
Dislikes: ? ummm so much
My message to george: omg georgy! hes a ladys man, and a squeak, i luff him, and cuddling him,