my cage set up

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this is my cage set up at the moment

holly and meggie the oldest 2 gilrs are in the big double cage but only use the top bit and lilly and her 3 girls are in the top on there are both 4 foot long

and alfie the baby boy is now in the 3 foot on the floor we jsut put him in tonight - but we are thinking about him geting neatured when he is oldenough and either haveing one of his sisters in with him or puting him in with lilly and the girls

he is doing ok i tink on his own so far i went upstris to get something and i came back down and was sat at frount squeaking and then when he sow me he ran back in to the bedroom

both cages have covers what go down when its really cold and at night the cage where holly and meggie is in and the one where lilly and babies are has one big one what gose down them both and i put the wheel bin in frount of it so there dont blow up when windy

and there are under a carport and when we ope nthe side door can see inside the house


this is max's cage its the sam eas holly and meggies but a bit more weathed with beening in the rain etc as he is not under the carport but has extra covers
Hey I've had an idea - why don't you put the group of 4 in the big double decker with access to all of it. Then the 2 older girls in the hutch on top? It makes more use of the space & gives the pigs a bit more room without buying more hutches? Also why don't you try putting Max & Alfie in together for company?
Just a thought. It looks like you have lots of lovely hay in there 8)
well becouse there wont go up and down the ramps

and max has tired to attack aflie thats why there on there own but where thinking of geting aflie natured when he is older and either puting him back in with lilly and the girls or puting one of the girls in with him

and i get my hay from a farmer my piggis only have the best hay wold never buy hay from pets at home etc only if i need to
Hannah - about the guinea not going up the ramps. We had this problem, we bought a 2 tier hutch and then husband added another level. We did think the ramps were a bit steep so altered them a bit (by taking the ramp off and mounting a bit of wood at the bottom so it made the ramp less steep). Sometimes the ramps need a bit of wood nailed on the side to stop them falling off. Anyway, have you tried putting little bits of nice food up the ramp and a load of hay at the top. My guinea Bella has cottoned onto this now and is often right at the top on her own in her own little apartment - she loves it!
well when we got the cages we got them for 2 rabbits we had the first one we got which holly and meggie are in was falut as the bottom floor was dipping and there got out so there give us another one for half the price which is the one what max is in but we ketp the other one as my firend was mving house and give us there 2 pigs who are now not with us but i think we wll be chaning maxs cage for the winter next year as the door is going funny and the little bugger has chewd the doorway in to the bedroom and well we had it near 3 years so

andi dont really wont to move my babies house again as here have allready moved once an there are only 5 weeks old
Hannah_lg said:
andi dont really wont to move my babies house again as here have allready moved once an there are only 5 weeks old
Ok only a suggestion.
Hannah - do your babies race round the cage at top speed? Mine are nearly 4 weeks old now and they race round their pen like it's a racing circuit!
well there do when I'm trying to pick them upmine are 5 and half weeks nowtere tend to eat breakfast than fallasleep abut 11ish than wake up about 2 pm and finsh of eating breakfast than wait for tea
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