My C&C Cage

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Jan 23, 2006
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Today, Me and Luke went to Argos and got the grids for the C&C Cage. We have put it together to work out how much correx and this is what we have come up with. We need to connect up a few more bits on it but for now this is probably what it will look like when it is completely done...


Just need to find the correx now - Have no idea where we are going to get it from. A 2x4 cage is massive! We will probably have Rosie, Amber, Whiskers, Crater Head and her female babies. It has an upstairs too and if we don't think it is big enough, we will make it even bigger but i'm sure it will be fine.

TGPF Admin
Snap same lay out as mine remember to reinforce it with cable ties. Your going to have some happy Piggy's
found out now i feel real silly lol wheres the cheapest place i can get this and is this the only thing you can get to line the cage, I'm gonna get some more piggies next month so need to get ready for the new arrivals :)
just looked at some correx on ebay looks quite cheap, CORREX - CORRUGATED PLASTIC - SIGN BOARD 20 @ 24" X 18" for £28
kellyspiggies said:
just looked at some correx on ebay looks quite cheap, CORREX - CORRUGATED PLASTIC - SIGN BOARD 20 @ 24" X 18" for £28

Don't think that is big enough for the cage we are doing. We can find correx in some places but its either not big enough or its too thick. It needs to be about 2/3mm.
that stuff on eBay isnt big enough unfortunatly, I suppose you can join them together with clear tape but it may make cleaning out a bit trickier... it will work out better to find a bigger board of it locally, around me I got a quote of...

(2) off 2440mm x 1220mm x 4mm black corrugated polypropylene @ £10.00 each

(2) off 2440mm x 1220mm x 5mm green corrugated polypropylene @ £15.00 each

It is a bit too thick, so am still looking for something thinner and it will be cheaper, but that is around the correct size for a 2x4 grid cage

the size in feet is around 7ft x 3.5ft, which is a little too big but better to be safe than sorry and will have some left over for the second level and possibly some dividing walls, gosh I sound all interior decorator like
ok when u find some could u let me know as i defintely want to get some
kellyspiggies said:
ok when u find some could u let me know as i defintely want to get some

Will let you know if I find any at a good price. I have heard by a lot of people that the best thing to do is look through the Yellow Pages for Sign Makers.

Let me know as well if you find any :)

TGPF Admin
some people use kitchen or bathroom lino material, in sheet form... which does pretty much the same job and is a lot easier to get hold of... but if you prefer the correx then just keep looking it will be around somewhere
Hi Everyone

My piggie Bokki is in a C&C cage and we have used lino for the bottom of his cage.

The lino is ok but is difficult when cleaning out. Correx is miles better but so hard to get hold of


Does anybody know if 4mm thickness of the correx is too thick? We have found a place with the right size but its 4mm thick. Don't want to order it to find out its too thick. We need the correx as soon as possible as we are adopting two more piggies from Kate (starshine)
have you got any pics of it in use? i am inchanted by c&c cages, they look really cool, but how are they used?

vi xx
I haven't finished it. Still need the correx and then hopefully they can use it. :) I still don't know whether to order this correx which I have found that is the right size but is 4mm thick... If anybody knows if this size thickness will work?
I still havent got any correx either! LOL, I am using newspapers and a hemp material which is working really well!
What a lovely C&C cage your piggies will have *GRIN*

I got my Correx from a sign writer who lives locally. I ordered two pieces that were 7ft by 3ft and it was delivered, all for £30... so don't pay over the odds prices for it on Ebay!
Wheekster said:
What a lovely C&C cage your piggies will have *GRIN*

I got my Correx from a sign writer who lives locally. I ordered two pieces that were 7ft by 3ft and it was delivered, all for £30... so don't pay over the odds prices for it on Ebay!

How thick was the correx you got? - Thats about the size we are looking to get!
i think its 4mm, it is nice, thick and sturdy anyhow ;D It was also a pain to score along and bend as its quite thick, but I'd rather have it like that than falling to pieces, lol.
Wheekster said:
i think its 4mm, it is nice, thick and sturdy anyhow ;D It was also a pain to score along and bend as its quite thick, but I'd rather have it like that than falling to pieces, lol.

We got a quiote roughly around the same price as you. £10 for the correx but £18 p&p. It says the price doesn't include VAT though so will be more. We wasn't sure if 4mm was too thick but if you recommend it then I will go ahead and order if its not too expensive.
I made two 6ft x 2ft C&C cages all on my own using the 4mm Correx. I'm am no DIY queen either, so if I can do it then I just know you will be fine, lol. With it being thicker then I'm sure it will last longer ;D Its so easy to clean, I love it!
sounds good. I will order it tomorrow then. I need to make it as soon as possible as the new piggies arrive on Wednesday so would be nice for them all to go in it by weekend (not crater and whiskers till crater has her babies!)
got a question my piggies live outside in a hutch, could i attach a c&C cage to it to make a run for them or his not suitable, they have the hutch to go in to when they want to but will have the c&c cage as a run, if i designed to be like a run
kellyspiggies said:
got a question my piggies live outside in a hutch, could i attach a c&C cage to it to make a run for them or his not suitable, they have the hutch to go in to when they want to but will have the c&c cage as a run, if i designed to be like a run

I have no idea? - I suppose you could as long as you make sure there is a top on it as you don't want anything such as cats jumping in. ?
just to add to my post just above, i would bring the run in everynight so piggies would be secure in the hutch at night and i know they are meant to be indoor cages so bad weather would maybe make it go rusty but i would have it indoors at that time so could i use a c&c cage for a run outdoors in nice weather
If you built it for example 2x3 1 level or something like that and you just place it on the grass I would imagine it would be fine. You might have to peg it into the ground though as if its windy it could blow away but I doubt that would happen. The thing is that its built out of cubes so it would be hard to put a top on it. You can now get runs which look like the C&C cage design which you put onto the grass but have a top on. Think it would only cost about £10 more than if your bought the cubes.
i think i might just get my partner to bring some wood home and try get some mesh and build one which will be attached at all times
Looking good! I really do like the design and idea of the C and C cage, and I like the way you can customise them and do different designs!
Clare x
I set up the grids that I have as a run outside in good weather. Its nice and sturdy so the piggies can't get out, but as it has no roof I can't leave them unattended :)
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