My boys not happy :(

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Sep 11, 2009
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West Yorkshire
Hi I'm new here and am looking for some advice...ive got two baby boys, there is two weeks in between them and in the begining they were getting on fine.

But now everytime i go in, Barney is on his own sleeping. Barney is the younger one of ther two, he doesnt seem ill and is eating fine but they just seem to want to be away from each other...or more Barney wants to be away from Burdock?

Is this normal? Will they get over it and want to be together again? :...

Help please x
Hi love, yes this is normal they just want their own space :)
Have you seen them at night? you might find they're snuggling up at night for warmth and comfort x)x)
As long as they're both eating, drinking and not fighting there's nothing to worry about :)
They may also be trying out their male hormones and deciding who's the boss..........if no fighting all is well :)
Good! :) i dont think they are fighting, I'm sure if they were then they wouldnt be together at all but they are somtimes...i will keep a very close eye on them for the next few days

Thanks for that :) i can sleep easy now lol x
Podge and Loki have separate beds and they like it that way, unless something freaks them out, then they both squeeze in together for safety!
Some pigs prefer to sleep on their own. It is also a matter of dominance to exclude the underpig from the bedroom; you get the same with some girls.

Make sure that you have everything in twos - houses/hides for sleeping, bowls, water bottles, even hay. That way, the underboy has access to his own need at all times and you will cut down on a lot of thinks that can spark squabbles when they hit the hormones later on.
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