my boys just had a fight!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 11, 2010
Reaction score
Mario and Luigi (1 year olds) have just had their first fight ( hope its their last)

They have been swaying and facing off a lot more recently. Then saturday they suddenly went for each other - its scarey - rolling around kicking and biting really fast. clapped my hands which made them stop. Luigi had small cut by ear and mouth. mario hurt his foot. Put them in seperate C&C areas for 4 hours. put them back together again ok for a while then started to front each other again. left them apart over night, only to fight in the morning after 1hour together. When seperated tuffs of fur in their mouths from each other were found.

They have two of everything - eat together ok but seem to get under each others paws really easy. their cage / run is fairly big and have just built them their summer retreat in the garden out of two rabbit hutches and a run on the grass that are interlinked.


How do you know if its boredom - illness or just not friends anymore?

shame as they use to snuggle up together and popcorn together.

cheers in advance.

( I have printed off the thread at top of behaviour page which is spot on info)
My 2 boys are the same. They had a huge fight which resulting in bloodshed so now they live in seperate cages. At first they were bit confused but now they like living apart they really dont get on they fight alllllllllllll the time. See how they carry on but usually if blood has been shed its best to seperate x
How do you know if its boredom - illness or just not friends anymore?

The fact they have fought & inflicted wounds on one another shows they've decided they are no longer friends.

Small "spats" which lead to nothing could be attributed to one/both being "moody" but when wounds are inflicted (blood is drawn) it's time to separate.

Imagine having to live with someone who wants to rip your head off each time they see you & you them.

You may find they will still share a run together but i personally would house them separately as they will fight again. In my experience with my boys they don't forget their "foes" & will chatter if they get so much a whiff of them.
My boys are also one year old and had their first fight recently - although thankfully no damage was done (no blood or injuries). I did exactly the same as you, I intervened as soon as I saw/heard them and separated them for an hour(ish) then I put them back together and they went straight for each other. So I separated them overnight then the next day I bathed them both and cleaned their cage out and rearranged the layout. We re-introduced them on the kitchen floor on a new fleece and with food as a distraction and (fingers crossed) they've been fine since. That was about 6-8 weeks ago I think.
I believe that they fought because they were grumpy and tired - we'd been on a long journey to see Vedra and Rufus had had his teeth filed so probably wasn't feeling tip top.
I have seen lots of advice on this forum that generally recommends blood being drawn is the line and that they probably won't be friends agin if this has happened :( I'm sorry.
Maybe you could try separating and bathing them and reintroducing? But be ready with a towel to throw over them if it doesn't go well.
I really hope you can get them to be friends again!
thanks for all the info / advice. we have left them in seperate cages at the moment. they can see each other and seem to be ok.

will see how they react this weekend.
just a quick update -

tryed to move them back together a few times. ok for half hour or so then fighting again. Sad times.

Have got them in seperate areas now - they seem to be much happyier and are popcorning again. :))
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