My Boys Are Starting To Display Dominant Behaviour

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New Born Pup
Jun 25, 2016
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My boys are brothers. they have a 80 by 120 cm cc cage. they are 6 moths old now and they have started teeth chattering and chasing eachother around the cage. I'm not sure what is classified as fighting. they haven't bitten each other yet, I guess they are trying to figure out who is the dominant one. Do you have any tips on how to avoid any accidents or misfortunes? Please help
Teeth chattering - i'd be a lot more vigilant.

My personal experience was similar to yours. I bought two baby boars together, they hit a few months old (puberty) and then all hell broke loose. I actually ended up having one boar suffer abscesses from bites from another, at this point they were both out in hutches so I didn't see their behavior to each other a lot. Abscesses are a nightmare. I'd check both your boys daily for any wounds and if you see any then immediately separate them and keep the wound clean to minimize the risk of abscesses forming.
If you see them lunging at each other, separate them.

I tried to re-bond them and they were just teeth chattering, staying in separate ends of the cage and were lunging and humping a lot. After numerous baths, etc, trying to re-bond them - they were just unhappy and needed to be separated permanently. I then had their cages side by side and they were both happy.
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