My Boys Are Fighting :-(

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 27, 2016
Reaction score
Plymouth, England
Hi all, I'm hoping you can help me. I'm so worried on what to do about my boys..

First of all I've had jasper atleast 3 months making him about 5ish/6ish months old, Oscar I've had for a year now.. I introduced them on neutral ground, obviously there was the normal dominant behaviour and after a while it calmed down.

Well Jaspers now going through maturity, you can see he's becoming more "sexual" he's humping things including Oscar and his bits are developed now.. Since then Oscar and jasper have been grumbling a lot more and chasing each other, I've witnessed loud teeth chattering, nose bobbing and small fights but it's quite scary and jasper caught oscars nose (included in picture, not massive but is noticeable).

I am so upset and worried that I'll have to seperate them as I simply don't have the space for two cages. What I find strange is if I do take one out the other squeaks like mad and tries to find them.. Or I try and divide the cage and they try and break through to the other. I don't know whether it's just normal behaviour and I should wait it out because they're trying to refigure dominance out or I should be concerned.

Thank you for reading and potentially helping!
(I've attached pic of oscars nose, and a photo of them two snuggling on the rare occasion they like each other!)



Hang on in there and try to implement the very detailed tips in this link here: Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

6 months is one of the most difficult times as that is when the testosterone spike is strongest.

That looks like the nose hole has just been caught in a paw swipe and not like a full on bite. it can happen in a scuffle and it is not serious. I would not yet separate, but keep a close eye on them. Puberty is an anxious time.

You would notice the aftermath after a full-on fight with serious bites; the boars would in that case certainly not want to have anything to do with each other for a goodly while (more like never again... )
Although some people might suggest separating due to the scratch, I would be inclined to wait it out a little longer, especially considering one of the piggies is going through sexual maturity and so the hierarchy is bound to be disturbed for some time. Its natural for piggies to have scuffles during this period, so although you should keep an eye on them I think that separating is more of a last resort. A few ways to help reduce fights include having two of everything; bottles and foodbowls ect, and making sure all hideys have two entrances. Good luck to you and your boys!
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