My boys are bickering

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They have started facing off chattering teeth at each other and I found a tuft of Max's fur that has obviously been yanked out by olly in a scuffle. There is no blood shed and they usually stop when I shout but should I worry? Is it just because they are becoming adults (they are 4&6ish months old)

I obv dont WANT to split them but I do have a spare cage on standby just in case rolleyes

Naughty boys! they have 2 of everything so I'm not sure exactly what they have to bicker about!
have they been neutered?
if not, this is probably the problem and i'd guess would need to be done soon before it gets worse
if they've already been snipped they may just be having the odd disagreement, but i'd be careful to make sure it doesn't get worse; if it does you may have to seperate them. sometimes boars just don't get on with one another even if they were okay as babbies (all those hormones kicking in).
Sorry to hear they are falling out! Mine are the same and probably simular ages to yours so I can sympathise. Have you tried giving them a bath then scrubbing the cage and removing all items which could be scented by them? That is my job for weekend it's gonna take me hours of scrubbing :))
Neutering will not stop fighting between Boars all it does is prevent Babies between boar sow pairings

it calms them down and stops them getting so aggressive
and if they've lived together already i would say neutering would give them a good chance of getting on again afterwards
Thanks everyone!

I think I might have realised what has been upsetting them :red

My friend gave me a tunnel that was previously used in her girls piggy cage this morning... I have scrubbed it in wash liq and wiped it with a milton wipe and thought it would be scent free so put it in but maybe not.... could be what has got them so het up today! anyway I have removed it and they seem to be a little more chilled at the moment spread out relaxing in their corners of the cage as usual. the tube is soaking in milton soloution over night so will see if it has the same effect tom and if it does its going in the bin!

If that fails they are for the bath tomorrow and the cage is getting a good scrub down !

Pigs eh! :{
it calms them down and stops them getting so aggressive
and if they've lived together already i would say neutering would give them a good chance of getting on again afterwards

This IS true for some animals but not the same for guinea pigs. It may seem to work in the odd case but in most cases it will just subject the poor piggies to an unnecessary operation.
well i only speak from experience, it's worked wonders for mine, they're much happier, and if crazycavie's boys are neutered and still don't get on they could be put with a female, either way it's worth a try it's done with a good vet
any operation with guinea pigs is risky because they're such small animals, i guess it's just working out the pros and cons and doing what you think is best for your pet
I would personally try to ride the storm - Ben and Dave bickered for a time. Theirs was more of a dominance thing though, but all the same, it came about through puberty!

When it became too much, I used to shift them into their run (which is about 3 times bigger than their cage) to give them as much room as possible to get away from each other. Seemed to do the trick.

Hope you can keep them together and that they get over it all...Ben and Dave are both over 1 year now and all they have is the odd little rumble.:)
Teeth chattering is honestly nothing to be fearful of. Believe me, I ran to the hills when Sunshine did it to Twinkle! Ha! Anothe rof my boars Eccles often does it to his cage mate Pudsey but nothing comes of it. I wouldn't seperate just see how they go and obviously if they do fight take it from there. Maybe two of everything will help.
They seem much happier today! must have been the tube upsetting them! they have even been sat in the same log tunnel today which is a rarety :)) geez they are worse than the kids! hate each other one min and friends the next!
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