My Boys (again)

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lol sorry for all the pics, just wanted to share these ones. The boys are out in the run today because it is lovly here! I'll ahve to go chase them soon to get them back in their cage.

Snuggled up together (well I think so or else John is squashing Bob into the corner)

And sleepy piggies!
Aww cute, I love the second pic was John asleep? John looks huge compared with Bob!

Yup John was asleep.
Since I now have my kids at school all day (youngest just started school on Tuesday), I just sat outside with my camera watching the piggies and got that snap of John asleep.
I'd say Bob is about half of John's size.
Very Sweet! John Anderson looks VERY content with his lot! Ah bless!
Well count yourself lucky its absolutely pouring here! My piggies are all miffed because they have to have their run in the hallway, which isnt fun cause I have to keep on clearing up their mess :(
How adorable ? :smitten: :smitten: They are lovely pictures :smitten: Love photos of piggies so dont worry about loads and 2 isnt loads ;D
It's nice here today too :) finally! Aw they're both so cute! Bob seems so relaxed and you haven't even had him long well done! And John is just great i think he's lovely! Bob is so similar to bumble! x
Those really lovely photies - nice to see John Anderson and Bob together! :smitten:

It's boiling here... 8)
Awww they look like such a cute pair!

Are they getting on ok? I get confused, but were they fighting at one point...could be thinking of another thread!

They should be lucky piggies, its been p'ing down here since 11am! No grass time for my piggies today! I wouldn't mind, but cos they haven't been able to go out all week the grass has got quite long. They be such happy piggies :( :(
Thanks guys :) I love sharing my photos on here, no one else in real life seems to be as taken with piggies as I am LOL and I was in by myself.

Teabag yup they getting on ok, they seem to go through spells of being friends, sharing, snuggling etc and then next John Anderson will start rumbling and being a pest. Been together properly since Tuesday.
I've just noticed bob even has more white on one side of his mouth than the other! Exactly the same as bumble! Where did you get him lol?! x
LOL i got him from the Acorn pershop in Aberdeen
It's spooky how similar they are isn't it?
It really is ;D he even has a bit of ginge on his belly like bumble! Bumble is from P@H in liverpool ( i no, not a gud idea but i didnt know at the time) so it's very unlikely they're related, but they're both gorgeous :) x
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