My boy Jupiter


Adult Guinea Pig
May 1, 2020
Reaction score
Shropshire, UK
This morning I've walked into the pig shed and have been greeted with quite a shock, my darling Jupiter has passed during the night. He would've been 4 next month. To say I'm shocked is an understatement. By the looks of it, it was a heart attack but I can only guess. He was fine, eating and wheezing at 9pm when I locked up the shed for the night. His cage mate, Apollo, seems ok. He looked so peaceful, so I can only hope whatever happened was quick and painless. I'll write a proper tribute soon. Just need to get over the initial shock.

Quick question, I know piggies may nibble at a fellow pig in hopes of waking them up, but I've noticed a small amount of dried blood around his mouth, would this be fitting for a heart related event?
I’m so sorry. What an awful shock. It does sound like a quick and peaceful passing for him. Popcorn high Jupiter ❤️
I am so sorry you have lost your beautiful boy so suddenly, it’s a horrible shock and has happened to me too. He may have had a heart attack, stoke or maybe some bleed on the brain, whatever it was, was suddenly and he will have not suffered. Take care while you are coming to term with your loss :hug:

Popcorn high Jupiter 🌈
I am so sorry you have lost your beautiful boy so suddenly, it’s a horrible shock and has happened to me too. He may have had a heart attack, stoke or maybe some bleed on the brain, whatever it was, was suddenly and he will have not suffered. Take care while you are coming to term with your loss :hug:

Popcorn high Jupiter 🌈
Thank you. It's still sinking in if I'm honest. I feel a bit numb. I don't know if he may of had an underlying issue as Apollo seems to have gotten over it quicker than I would have expected as he's known Jupiter all his life (Jupiter was in an adjoining cage as Po was being born.)

While I'm sure his death was sudden, I think Apollo knew something's was wrong and I just never saw it. His weight was stable, he was drinking and active. He was his usual vocal, loving self. I think Po was lay next to him most of the night as I can't find any other patches which looked to be slept on. So it's comforting to know that even though I wasn't there, he wasn't alone.
I'm so very sorry, that must have been such a shock. Piggies measure their lives in happy days and Jupiter had many of those with you and his friends. Be kind to yourself while you grieve. xx
Thank you. It's still sinking in if I'm honest. I feel a bit numb. I don't know if he may of had an underlying issue as Apollo seems to have gotten over it quicker than I would have expected as he's known Jupiter all his life (Jupiter was in an adjoining cage as Po was being born.)

While I'm sure his death was sudden, I think Apollo knew something's was wrong and I just never saw it. His weight was stable, he was drinking and active. He was his usual vocal, loving self. I think Po was lay next to him most of the night as I can't find any other patches which looked to be slept on. So it's comforting to know that even though I wasn't there, he wasn't alone.
Yes, you feel so shocked and numb. When I lost both Bill and Ginger they were in perfect health, happy and doing everything as normal. Both were just laying in the hay, Bill overnight and I found Ginger only two hours after seeing her looking perfectly fine. I had taken the gkids out for a couple of hours, dropped them home and came back to find her gone?
I think sometimes these things just happen out of the blue, like it does with us humans, we can only be thankful they did not suffer a painful slow decline in some ways but it still hurts just the same. So sorry for you x
Oh what a shock for you. I’m so sorry for your loss. Sleep tight, little man 🌈
What an awful shock for you and I am sorry for your loss. I hope you can take comfort in the fact that his passing was quick and he will be popcorning with new friends at the bridge . Sending hugs at this sad time and hope you will feel able to post a tribute to Jupiter soon.
Rest in peace Jupiter 🌈
Well Jupi where do I begin…

I brought you and your sister home 1/11/2020 just before the pandemic properly hit. You were my first piggy and I immediately fell in love with you. I had a lot to learn and despite your shy nature you were as patient with me as I was with you.
As soon as I realised I'd brought your sister home and not brother, I promptly separated you but that never stopped you from squeezing through the bars and finding any way possible to be with her. Little did I know that she was already pregnant.

A couple of weeks later Apollo and Mia were born in the neighbouring cage and you watched them come into the world and take their first clumsy steps. I remember how curious you were seeing two small pigs waddling around, I remember how gentle you were interacting with them at the bars. You watched from next door for the next 2+ weeks before Apollo joined you. I was so worried that you'd unintentionally harm him but you were so gentle and it was clear all was going to work out.

Over the years Apollo was by your side and you enjoyed doing everything together. You played uncle to Basil and Cyril through their early life and took care of them post neuter (through bars of course).

After your duties were done you started to relax and enjoy life as you approached your senior years. Your favourite pass times were sunbathing, food tug-of-war, pig yoga and shouting for your next meal and popcorning.

I still can't believe that you've gone but I'm glad you had many happy today's and that your beloved Po was by your side as you made your way over the rainbow bridge. Popcorn free Jupi.

What a handsome piggy 😍 He and Apollo are gorgeous together in their pictures. Sadly missed 🌈
What a lovely tribute, it's clear that he was loved. Popcorn high over the rainbow bridge sweetie ❤️🌈
Yes, you feel so shocked and numb. When I lost both Bill and Ginger they were in perfect health, happy and doing everything as normal. Both were just laying in the hay, Bill overnight and I found Ginger only two hours after seeing her looking perfectly fine. I had taken the gkids out for a couple of hours, dropped them home and came back to find her gone?
I think sometimes these things just happen out of the blue, like it does with us humans, we can only be thankful they did not suffer a painful slow decline in some ways but it still hurts just the same. So sorry for you x
Oh my story of Bill and Ginger i just sobbed i am so sorry! And Jupiter sweet boy, he was not alone. When i had lost Cadbury and came home to him dying and held him it was the worst feeling, i was numb for long while. I am so sorry for the loss be kind to yourself and big big big hugs.

What a heart-felt tribute to a handsome and much loved boy who you have given such a happy and long life. I am very sorry that Jupiter has made an unexpected dash to the Rainbow Bridge (whether it was a sudden heart attack or stroke). It always comes as such a huge shock.

Please try to take consolation in that Jupiter has suffered only a minimum as natural death go. It is usually over in a matter of a few seconds or minutes.

Glad that Po is doing well with new next door company. Normally piggies can brace for the loss of their mates before us, but not in those cases, and it can really throw them.

Be kind with yourself. There is nothing you could do to prevent it and nothing you have done wrong. It is always harder on you when you have to work through the shock and the pain of the loss at the same time.

What a heart-felt tribute to a handsome and much loved boy who you have given such a happy and long life. I am very sorry that Jupiter has made an unexpected dash to the Rainbow Bridge (whether it was a sudden heart attack or stroke). It always comes as such a huge shock.

Please try to take consolation in that Jupiter has suffered only a minimum as natural death go. It is usually over in a matter of a few seconds or minutes.

Glad that Po is doing well with new next door company. Normally piggies can brace for the loss of their mates before us, but not in those cases, and it can really throw them.

Be kind with yourself. There is nothing you could do to prevent it and nothing you have done wrong. It is always harder on you when you have to work through the shock and the pain of the loss at the same time.
It's a strange one and one you can never really prepare for. I wish I could spend one more day with him, I know we all feel this way with our own piggies as we develop such a unique and special bond with each one. I don't know what's worse, having a pig slowly shut down or one go suddenly.

Po has seemed to have had a rollercoaster of emotions over the past couple of days. One moment he seems his usual chirpy self, then he just looks so sad and hides away. I really hope his new neighbours continue to help him with the loss. It's horrible to watch as I can't exactly tell him what's happened or what's going to happen and he can't tell me how hes feeling. I feel like I'm guessing all the time. It's a learning curve for us both. Oh how I wish they could speak.

As someone who's had so many come and go, do you think other pigs understand what's happened? During both Autumns and Jupiter's departures, all the pigs appeared to have a day of mourning. Very quiet and subdued.

That morning I checked everything. Was there something in the hay? Was there something in the bedding? Were there any fumes or did the temp get too high/ low? I think it's part of our grief process. I wasn't looking for something to blame, but to insure if it was something that I can control, that it's identified so it doesn't happen again. But I suppose in saying that, if it was something I could've controlled/ prevented I would've blamed myself. I oddly do find comfort in the fact that it was quick and he probably didn't know anything about it, whatever the cause. As well as the fact that Po was with him so he wasn't alone.
It's a strange one and one you can never really prepare for. I wish I could spend one more day with him, I know we all feel this way with our own piggies as we develop such a unique and special bond with each one. I don't know what's worse, having a pig slowly shut down or one go suddenly.

Po has seemed to have had a rollercoaster of emotions over the past couple of days. One moment he seems his usual chirpy self, then he just looks so sad and hides away. I really hope his new neighbours continue to help him with the loss. It's horrible to watch as I can't exactly tell him what's happened or what's going to happen and he can't tell me how hes feeling. I feel like I'm guessing all the time. It's a learning curve for us both. Oh how I wish they could speak.

As someone who's had so many come and go, do you think other pigs understand what's happened? During both Autumns and Jupiter's departures, all the pigs appeared to have a day of mourning. Very quiet and subdued.

That morning I checked everything. Was there something in the hay? Was there something in the bedding? Were there any fumes or did the temp get too high/ low? I think it's part of our grief process. I wasn't looking for something to blame, but to insure if it was something that I can control, that it's identified so it doesn't happen again. But I suppose in saying that, if it was something I could've controlled/ prevented I would've blamed myself. I oddly do find comfort in the fact that it was quick and he probably didn't know anything about it, whatever the cause. As well as the fact that Po was with him so he wasn't alone.

It always goes rather quiet and subdued with the whole Tribe as well when one of them dies; they have their territorial groups but they are also a herd using the same feeding grounds and they see themselves as that. Piggies don't feel any less deeply than humans.

It's the sudden deaths and fatal accidents that get you worst because you cannot brace, and neither can the companions. A decline they can brace for and take their formal leave but a sudden death leaves them as puzzled and up set as it does us.

I have found piggies of mine collapsed on their bellies with hay still sticking out of the mouth - it happened as sudden and quick as that. And there is never any warning or any outside trigger.

It always goes rather quiet and subdued with the whole Tribe as well when one of them dies; they have their territorial groups but they are also a herd using the same feeding grounds and they see themselves as that. Piggies don't feel any less deeply than humans.

It's the sudden deaths and fatal accidents that get you worst because you cannot brace, and neither can the companions. A decline they can brace for and take their formal leave but a sudden death leaves them as puzzled and up set as it does us.

I have found piggies of mine collapsed on their bellies with hay still sticking out of the mouth - it happened as sudden and quick as that. And there is never any warning or any outside trigger.

Thanks for this Wiebke. Talking things through with like minded people really helps. It's great that forums like this exist.