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My boy has wonky teeth :(


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 19, 2019
Reaction score
Hi all,

I noticed a few days ago that Prawn’s teeth were wonky - conindicentally we were at the vets on Thursday and she gave him a look over, noticed his wonky teeth and tried to look at his back teeth.

Unfortunately he had an entire mouth full of food so she couldn’t see anything - were going back in a week and a half so she can have another look.

I’m so scared he’s going to need dental treatment. He’s a special pig, he’s blind in one eye and has epilepsy and I just don’t want another thing to go wrong for him.

He’s maybe lost a tiny bit of weight - he fluctuates between 1000g and 1150g normally though and he’s at 1050g atm. He eats totally fine and I’m not otherwise worried at all.

We have to wait until the week after next to take him back cos we’re away getting married next week and as he’s not losing weight and eating ok the vet said it was fine to wait, but tbh I’m not sure I can handle waiting that long!


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I’m sorry Prawns teeth are wonky. If he’s eating ok and not losing weight then I’d say you can leave it a while. I’d keep an eye on his weight though. Good luck I hope it’s something easily treatable.