My boars run away everytime I move in the room

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Sid and Henry

Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
Hi, I recently posted a thread about my two boars, Sid and Henry who are, at the moment fighting for dominance... Anyway, they came about 2 days ago as a late birthday surprise but I feel so bad for them because EVERY time I move, they stop what they're doing and sprint into the pigloos. Also, at complete random moments they are really calm while they're eating or something like that and suddenly they both jump and run udercover? Also, Henry, he is bigger than Sid and when I am sometimes next to Henry, he jumps randomly and one time he even flipped off of the esting area (he's ok though)! It's entertaining and all but it scares the life out of me! :p
Also, one time, I got Sid out of the cage and Henry started playing dead or wouldn't move until I put Sid back in... They're a very demanding pair of boys")

But I just want to know how I can teach them that every time something/someone moves it's not always dangerous... I sometimes test standing up and down and not going nesr them, and I do casual things to get them used to it, but they still sprint at every movement, even if I only moved my arm
Seeing as you got them only 2 days ago, it's normal for a new guinea pig to be skittish....I'd talk to them softly (as you walk up to them at ground level from the side) and then hold a treat of Veggie and see if they come up to you, if not, then keep talking to them and try wafting the treat near their nose, (if I were you whilst you do this, I'd remove the pigloo, so they can't hide). If they take the treat from you, they should trust you gradually, then you can start to touch them, and then pick them up. Hope I helped
Thank-you, I'll try that:).
Sorry if I seem a little impatient that the piggies are skittish, i can't help it, they're so cutedrool
Thank-you, I'll try that:).
Sorry if I seem a little impatient that the piggies are skittish, i can't help it, they're so cutedrool

Yes, I understand, I'm getting some new Piggies in the next couple of weeks! And I don't know if I can wait to let them settle in for 2 days!
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