My boars growl and chatter their teeth but dont fight, is this ok?

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Oct 24, 2012
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My boars growl and chatter their teeth but dont fight, is this ok?


i have 4 boars they growl at eachother and fight a bit over food but there is no serious fighting no blood. One of my guinea pigs had been ill and some of them had scratched his back and bit him but the vet said it was because he was ill so they picked on him.

i was just wondering if it was okay or will they need sperating? :{
How old are they?

At around 2-12 months boars will growl and challenge each other this is normal. Some boars will maybe never get on while others are best friends. Whatever anyone says DO NOT neuteur them. The op is a BIG risk to take and puts the piggie under pain. Also don't ever keep piggies on there own as they will get lonely!
Heres what to do in your situation...
1. Put them into pairs
2. Keep them outside in a large spacious hutch or inside in a c&c cage (at least a 2 by 5)
3. Keep a eye on them, hopefully they will settle down soon and one will be boss. If not then there is a plan 2 (lol)
Good luck and update me if it works
they are 8 months and they are not neutered and there cage is 4ft buy 8ft. There does seem to be a boss emerging (scruffy who is the biggest out of them) they all seem to steer clear from him.


Most groups of boars I have seen (including my own) get on better in pairs.
Would you be in a position to pair them?
i dont know they all seem quite happy with eachother they kind of go around in pairs in the hutch as its quite big so even if there is a bit of a disagrement they have plenty of room to run and hide.
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