my boars are driving me insane please

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Oct 4, 2010
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales
Pixal is being a right right now to dongle, he's constantly winding dongle up to the point they are in a big of fur rolling around.

Pixal did this before and dongle put him in his place. They didn't hurt each other so I made the decision to keep them together and they got along fine until couple days ago when Pixal started again.

Now iv found them both with cuts scabs so I separated immediately.

I dont understand why Pixal done this my guess its his hormones but he has turned nasty and such a bully to dongle who is older and bigger than him.

Iv already got 2 boys separated and now another 2. boys are such moody .

Does anyone have any ideas or advice to maybe be able to rebond these guys after or if you think Pixal is being hormonal or something else?
you could try giving them a bath together, but to be honest, usually, once they've drawn blood, thats it.
I've got 9 boys, 7 of which live singly as they just keep falling out, they have all been attempted at bonding with each other, and some have worked for a few weeks before falling out, some just didn't get on instantly.
They all live side by side in their c&c's so they can see each other and occasionally i let them out together for floor time, but its not long before there's fur flying usually! rolleyes
From my experience i too have to say once wounds have been inflicted rarely will they re-bond. Two of my boys who were separated almost 2 years ago still hate one another & will start chattering if they so much as smell each other.
Hmm bathing Pixal is an effort think trying to bath a cat he absolutely hates it. Yeah their next to each other in c&c cages so they still able to see and smell each other.

The other 2 that got separated have been keeping on my toes recently. Cable has gotten very clever he has or had a shoe box for a bed which he realised that if he pushed it to the side he can jump on top and climb in his separated cage buddy home where he could annoy and anger humbug. Clever but very naughty boy.
My boys who used to get on stunningly, also suddenly started fighting.
No blood drawn yet, but I could see that they are REALLY irritating each other.
I kept them together, but just gave them alot more "free range" time, I open their cage up in the bedroom I keep them in, and let them roam the bedroom.
For the first 5 minutes, they were fighting a bit, but then it calmed down, and they get on famously now.
I leave them "free range" for most of the afternoon, untill bedtime, and put them back into their 1,2x600 cage in the evenings. I've done that every day for the last week.
That seemed to have sorted them out.
Sometimes they just get in each other's space and need the time apart.
Boys can be such a pain sometimes, can't they :(

If they are properly fighting or if one is being such a bully and the other is scared, then they will be happier off alone :(
Lol.. I'm very confused now i just let them out for a run and they are getting on like they are best friends? pop corning all over the place, playing tag your it (lol) very confusing boys.
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