My boars are biting!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
My boys Garfield and Sheldon are father and son.
I got them in April.
Sheldon is 5 minths old now.

They have been as good as gold no problems.
Garfield was a bit controlling at first and still can be of his son.

Today I put then out in the indoor run, due to the weather.
Just been down to check in them and Garfield has a cut nose and ear.
He didnt seem bothered when i cleaned the area with some diluted hibi scrub.

I put him back in and they went and sat together.
I'm confused this is my first pair of boars do they have the odd scrap?
I was wondering if maybe sheldon was at teenage times and trying to test dominance?

I dont want to seperate them as weve had bo problems before.

Any advice please
Ive had recent boar issues as i tried to boar date my 3 year old ditto with a 12 week old boar.. I was told to seperate only when blood was drawn and it seems this was the case with your two.. Anyway to my surprize the 12 week old repeatedly attacked ditto and on one occasion tore his chin and underarm and my ditto tore the ear of the 12 week old, well enough was enough the 12 week old went back to the breeder and ditto is living alone. Seen as you werent there to seperate pigs they have fought without intervention and now the pecking order will more than likely of been decided, i agree with you that the son will now have reached the age where he is testing dominance.. I would keep a close eye on the pair and if another fight occurs to the point where blood is drawn i would I'm sorry to say seperate them.. Keep an eye out for bullying behaviour also like constant pestering of a pig or one pig preventing the other from going into hidey holes or from eating etc.. Good luck.. I am thankful my ditto was not more hurt as i witnessed the fight and the 12 week old was really agresive my ditto was just trying to get away :'(
Thing is they are not being aggressive towards each other now.
They are calling for each other and sat next to each other.

I have kept an eye on them.
They seem normal.

I obviously want to do what is best for them but I dont want to cause more problems.
If they seem fine now then all i advise is to keep an eye out and any bullying behavior or dominance behavior occurs then be prepared for a fight, if the fight causes blood to be drawn or lasts for an extended period of time then seperate immediatly by throwing a towel over either pig and quickly picking them up out of the cage and into a seperate cage or even bath tub (empty of course) . They may have been fighting over dominance and whos in charge, if the son came worse off then id guess that the father it the boss for now, however as the son reaches full blown sexual maturity he may keep challenging his father for dominance and so keep an eye on things anymore fights i would seperate for definate and as said by other members keep the cages close by eachother as to avoid either piggy getting lonely. Sometimes boar on boar works others it doesnt and with my ditto it doesnt and i will not risk him becoming depressed or injured again as since the 12 week old baby went back he has been 100% better hes now eating and playing and loving cuddles and isnt so on edge. You do what you think is right .
Overnight and today fine
witnessed no aggressive behaviour
Both sitting in their own spaces
No more wounds

I hope that was just a hiccup and all back to normal
came back today and fighting has recomenced i have had to seperate them.
i hope to reintroduce them but will givw them some time.
i am quite upset by it all.
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