My boar trio - should I separate now (no fighting yet) and photo :)

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Goth Mummy

Adult Guinea Pig
Oct 11, 2013
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So, my boys are around 3 months old now (or just under).... and I was quite prepared for the probability that I might have to separate them. There is no fighting (yet!) but I would say that Pumpkin and Boo are "best friends" and that they tend to shut Jack out, and will send him away from them if he tries to join them. They always sit in the same house together and will eat together. When Jack comes along everyone starts sqeaking!

Here they are all together in the "hay and treat box" and Pumpkin and Boo are telling Jack to "buzz off" - can you see the body language?


Yet Jack does get upset when he is away from them -such as lap time and calls for them.

Would those of you experienced with boars say that its a good idea to separate now before there is any trouble or is it still a case of "wait and see"? Are these warning signs of trouble to come, or could the dynamic in the trio change again?

Currently Jack is on my lap whilst I type this and Pumpkin and Boo have curled up together and gone to sleep in their hay.

thank you....

(of course they have plenty of space, access to an attached run and a water bottle/food bowl and house each - they all run around like crazy pigs and popcorn a lot - so much that my husband thought they were having fits!)
I would wait; the dynamics can change again when the hormones really hit. Right now, Jack is very obviously still much happier where he is. They may even turn out to be one of the trios that works out - you never know!
Thank you for your reply :) I am just nervous about them as I know its a tricky situation to have 3 boars. I'm used to older more sedate girls! The left hand piggie in my avatar was so docile, she barely moved!
Actually, things are pretty settled ....there is no violence (fortunately) its mostly just "blocking" and Pumpkin and Boo shutting Jack out.... but I am just wary of agression developing. They were all eating from the same bowl this morning and all asleep the same house yesterday so at least they are all snuggling together sometimes.

Thanks :)
Hello, How's it going? I ask because I have a trio of boars about the same age as yours. They all same quite happy although one Rory likes to chase Davros about a bit. I've heard so many bad things about trio's but also lots of good things, so I'm just keeping my fingers crossed.

I would leave them be just now. As long as Jack is getting the opportunity to get to hay, food and water and have a safe space of his own and there has been no actual fighting , they may well work it out for themselves. If aggression builds or there is actually damage inflicted then you need to think about separation. In that instance I would suggest you'd be best removing jack and finding him his own friend as the other two clearly have a good bond.

Trios can work, we only counsel against it as a precautionary measure as they are more likely to have problems than be successful. We don't want people embarking upon keeping trios without being aware of the possible complications and then ending up with 3 lone, angry boars and a big vets bill. However some people manage successful trios and love them, it's all a matter of personality and that is very difficult for us to assess from an online forum!
Mine still seem (touches wood madly) fine - in fact I would say that they are more bonded than they were previously now, although there are times when all three sit alone in their separate houses - there are also times when I find all three asleep in one hay box!

I do think with a young trio of boars the key is lots of space, and one each of everying... and I am of course aware that even then it might not work out.

For the last few weeks the only time I have seen any signs of dominance behavior or chasing is when they are put in a new area - if I have changed the indoor run around and moved it or renewed hay boxes - it seems like with every change they have to have a bit of a rumble for a few minutes to sort out the heirachy in the "new" area. Even if its the same area, just cleaned out and with new toys.... silly boys ;)

Mine are still very small though and things could of course change over night.

MerryPip - yes I agree, it would be Jack that I would be taking for "boar dating", Pumpkin and Boo do have a very strong loving bond :)
glad they are doing ok. It's really just a case of watch and wait with young boar trios!
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