My best boar buddies


New Born Pup
Aug 12, 2024
Reaction score
Ashville Ohio
Hi guys so I have 4 piggies total; Lincoln, Hoover, Teddy and Harry. Teddy and Harry are a bonded pair around 5 to 6 months probably. Hoover and Lincoln are a little bit older and were bonded but I have separated them because they bite each other and I saw fur lost. 😞 Now starting today Teddy and Harry have started doing the same thing and started rumble strutting and just being boars. When do I need to separate exactly? I have then in a 9 sq ft cage recommended by the rescue I got them from. I’m not sure if it’s a size issue or not.
Welcome to the forum to you and your piggies. I have two boars who were bonded for two years but fell out. They now live happily side by side.

I'll leave the advice to someone more knowledgeable and with the technical skills needed to paste links to our guides.
Welcome to the forum. I hope the guides I have pasted below will help you.

I’m sorry to hear you have had a pair fall out. I have also had it happen.

At their age they are now getting hormonal so seeing an increase in dominance is to be expected. If it remains as just mild dominance when leave them to it. You don’t want to intervene unless they actually fight.

Our advice would be that 9 square feet is too small. 10 square feet would be considered absolute minimum for a boar pair (although can often be too small) and 12 square feet is the recommended cage size.

Things you can do to minimise issues is ensure you scatter feed veg and pellets into loose piles of hay (don’t use food bowls); only ever clean half the cage at a time - if you remove all bedding in one go then you are removing all scent which can set them off. By only removing half at a time then the scent remains and it can make it easier for them to cope with

If you choose to increase their cage size then you need to do it carefully. A change in cage space is a change in territory and will cause them to reestablish their bond. That’s fine but the same thing as cage cleans apply - make sure you are using soiled bedding in the cage when you change it’s size so that they recognise it as their space

In addition to the guides piggieminder has added, I have also added another below
