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My baby boar is sneezing a lot and has a light sound when he breathes...


New Born Pup
May 20, 2021
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I just got a baby boar yesterday, and he is adapting well to his environment and he already likes his cage mate. I do have some concerns. There is a bit of light noise when he breathes. I’m not sure if it is from my other pig’s fur or if it is because of something else. Has anyone had this happen to their piggies? I want to know if I should take him to a vet or if this is normal. My other guinea pig did this as well when I first got him and grew out of it quickly but I’m worried that it could be something serious because he is sneezing more frequently than my other one did.
I just got a baby boar yesterday, and he is adapting well to his environment and he already likes his cage mate. I do have some concerns. There is a bit of light noise when he breathes. I’m not sure if it is from my other pig’s fur or if it is because of something else. Has anyone had this happen to their piggies? I want to know if I should take him to a vet or if this is normal. My other guinea pig did this as well when I first got him and grew out of it quickly but I’m worried that it could be something serious because he is sneezing more frequently than my other one did.


Sneezing in new arrivals is very often a reaction of young piggies coming from a comparatively sterile environment at the commercial supply breeders and pet shop into a much more complex pet home. Also consider whether you are running air conditioning or not. Some piggies react much more sensitive.
They may or may not test positive for the presence of bacteria in their airways. Any vet will first and foremost treat with an antibiotic for URI because it is a potential killer before considering sensitivities or a (rare) allergy. A URI is a bacterial infection and not like a human viral cold, so symptoms and their place in the progess vary to a certain degree.

Since the airways in guinea pigs are very narrow and they are not great mouth breathers, you will hear the slightest obstruction in them as a rather alarming noise. Some piggies are more sensitive than others.
Irritants to Avoid Around Guinea Pigs

See a vet, especially the sneezing doesn't settle down or if your boy develops any other symptoms of a respiratory infection (URI), especially raspy or crackly breathing and loss of appetite/lethargy. Gunky eyes and nostrils, coughing and a runny nose are generally symptoms of a well developed upper respiratory tract infection or a secondary infection.
Here is more information on URI: New guinea pigs: Sexing, vet checks&customer rights, URI, ringworm and parasites

Please take the time to read our green information links. You will find them helpful.

Sneezing in new arrivals is very often a reaction of young piggies coming from a comparatively sterile environment at the commercial supply breeders and pet shop into a much more complex pet home. Also consider whether you are running air conditioning or not. Some piggies react much more sensitive.
They may or may not test positive for the presence of bacteria in their airways. Any vet will first and foremost treat with an antibiotic for URI because it is a potential killer before considering sensitivities or a (rare) allergy. A URI is a bacterial infection and not like a human viral cold, so symptoms and their place in the progess vary to a certain degree.

Since the airways in guinea pigs are very narrow and they are not great mouth breathers, you will hear the slightest obstruction in them as a rather alarming noise. Some piggies are more sensitive than others.
Irritants to Avoid Around Guinea Pigs

See a vet, especially the sneezing doesn't settle down or if your boy develops any other symptoms of a respiratory infection (URI), especially raspy or crackly breathing and loss of appetite/lethargy. Gunky eyes and nostrils, coughing and a runny nose are generally symptoms of a well developed upper respiratory tract infection or a secondary infection.
Here is more information on URI: New guinea pigs: Sexing, vet checks&customer rights, URI, ringworm and parasites

Please take the time to read our green information links. You will find them helpful.
I will definitely do that thank you so much! They’re both Abyssinians and they’re shedding A LOT especially my bigger boar. I had the fan on because it tends to get hot in my room but it isn’t near them and I try to make sure they can avoid it if need be. I’ll wait a few days and hopefully it subsides. Thank you again for your help!

Sneezing in new arrivals is very often a reaction of young piggies coming from a comparatively sterile environment at the commercial supply breeders and pet shop into a much more complex pet home. Also consider whether you are running air conditioning or not. Some piggies react much more sensitive.
They may or may not test positive for the presence of bacteria in their airways. Any vet will first and foremost treat with an antibiotic for URI because it is a potential killer before considering sensitivities or a (rare) allergy. A URI is a bacterial infection and not like a human viral cold, so symptoms and their place in the progess vary to a certain degree.

Since the airways in guinea pigs are very narrow and they are not great mouth breathers, you will hear the slightest obstruction in them as a rather alarming noise. Some piggies are more sensitive than others.
Irritants to Avoid Around Guinea Pigs

See a vet, especially the sneezing doesn't settle down or if your boy develops any other symptoms of a respiratory infection (URI), especially raspy or crackly breathing and loss of appetite/lethargy. Gunky eyes and nostrils, coughing and a runny nose are generally symptoms of a well developed upper respiratory tract infection or a secondary infection.
Here is more information on URI: New guinea pigs: Sexing, vet checks&customer rights, URI, ringworm and parasites

Please take the time to read our green information links. You will find them helpful.
has been pretty sleepy but my first was the same way because he’s pretty little. I noticed a clear looking gunk on his nose. It wasn’t green nor yellow. He doesn’t sneeze too often but he does sneeze a lot. As of right now I’m going to take it as he is just adjusting. I’ll definitely look up some vet clinics that take in piggies though.

has been pretty sleepy but my first was the same way because he’s pretty little. I noticed a clear looking gunk on his nose. It wasn’t green nor yellow. He doesn’t sneeze too often but he does sneeze a lot. As of right now I’m going to take it as he is just adjusting. I’ll definitely look up some vet clinics that take in piggies though.
All the best!

Clear gunk means that it is plain dried snot and not infected yellow/green thick mucus, like it would be from a well set-in and andvanced URI.

Have a look and check whether you have any obvious irritants around. See a vet if the sneezing doesn't settle down. Some piggies can be very sensitive to hay or house dust, pollen or other environmental aspects. They are always much more difficult to figure out and - in the case of hay dust - can be tricky to address if a change in brands doesn't help.
All the best!

Clear gunk means that it is plain dried snot and infected yellow/green thick mucus, like it would be from a well set-in and andvanced URI.

Have a look and check whether you have any obvious irritants around. See a vet if the sneezing doesn't settle down. Some piggies can be very sensitive to hay or house dust, pollen or other environmental aspects. They are always much more difficult to figure out and - in the case of hay dust - can be tricky to address if a change in brands doesn't help.
Brought my little guy to the vet! They said it wasn’t in his chest but they gave me some antibiotics to nip it in the bud just in case. Thank you for your help I really appreciate it!