My babies

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Rubi, the older one. He is going to make 15 years on the 1st of November:

Skinny, the bad one ;D. He loves to bark to everyone that try to get in the house ;D

Gandhi, my older pig. He is very quiet and loves to sleep on my lap

Farrusquinho, the baby of the house.

I don't have nice pictures of may kitties in this pc, but I will put some as soon as I can, so that you can see my girls :)
ooh your last guinea, looks like a smaller version of my English crested black boar Alfie :smitten: :smitten: Aw they are all lovely :smitten:
In Portugal we say that he is a short hair Agouti Gilt Solid. (Bad translation, I'm sure)
gorgeous pets. :smitten: :smitten:
Oh i love ALL your babies :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Please is there a translation for your second piggie? It's a mouthful (err long word) for me to say, do you have a nickname (shortened name)?
and no you're doing really well with your translation O0 O0
If you want help, post your comment and then ask the next person or someone to correct it for you, i'm sure anyone would be pleased to help you love :) as in translation as you know you sometimes loose just the correct way of saying something... :)
When I'm talking to Farrusquinho I usually say Usquinho (without "Farr" it is not a Portuguese word, it is a word I invented). Farrusquinho in English is little dirty with samething dark. It sound weird, but I named like that because he is not black, but dark and Farrusquinho sounds sweet.
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