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My 8 year old guinea pig isn't eating, anything I can do for him?


Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 20, 2017
Reaction score
I don't know what to do. It might just be his time has come. He looks like he still WANTS to eat, but he just takes a bite and stops. All the vets are closed here for the weekend so I can't even take him to be treated or euthanized. Any advice?
Hi I am so sorry
First take a deep breath.
Is he still moving around and drinking water?
Poops ok? X
I’m so sorry your piggy is unwell.

You could try mixing warm water with their nuggets/pellets to see if they will eat them over the weekend. Or you could try and get some recovery food for them. I Appreciate it’s harder in the US.

I will attach the end of life advice thread for you just in case you are dealing with that.

End of Life and Bereavement Support Corner

Sending you hugs. 8 is an amazing age. It shows how much love and care he has received throughout his life. ❤️
Thanks... I didn't think it would happen like this. He's been so healthy all his life. He just turned 8 in February and he was still going strong. I thought he could make it to 9 or 10. Even yesterday morning there was no problem. Then in the afternoon he wouldn't eat his veggies and now he's not eating at all or moving from out of his igloo. He's not drinking either. I will have to see if I can get him some recovery food, but at this age I worry that I'm just going to make him suffer by doing that.
I don't know what to do. It might just be his time has come. He looks like he still WANTS to eat, but he just takes a bite and stops. All the vets are closed here for the weekend so I can't even take him to be treated or euthanized. Any advice?


I am very sorry. 8 years is a great age! Please check whether your boy also won't be able to take syringe feed.

Please check the front teeth in case it is down to dental overgrowth. The edge where they normally abrade against each other should be even and clean. If you notice a slant, a v-shaped dent in the middle, a jagged edge or inward pointing ends that do no longer meet, then there is usually a problem with the grinding back teeth. A thickened front tooth can also cause major pain and problems. The check is not totally fool proof but it is the best you can do at home to make sure that it is not simply down to your piggy quite simply not being able to chew.

Here is our comprehensive feeding support guide, which also includes a chapter on how you can improvise in an emergency and how to spot the line between life and death:
All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures

This here is the link to our specific end of life guide; which includes a natural death at home. The guide tries to be as how-to practical as possible in order to avoid glossing over all sticky points where guidance is usually most needed.
It won't make for easy reading (it certainly hasn't made for easy writing) but if you need it, it there for you; especially in view of the time difference with our UK based forum.
A Practical and Sensitive Guide to Dying, Terminal Illness and Euthanasia in Guinea Pigs

But we are here for any questions, concerns and moral support during end life and after a loss in our dedicated corner.

My thoughts are with you and my fingers are firmly crossed for your poorly boy and you. These things always happen at the worst possible time in my own experience.
Thanks... I didn't think it would happen like this. He's been so healthy all his life. He just turned 8 in February and he was still going strong. I thought he could make it to 9 or 10. Even yesterday morning there was no problem. Then in the afternoon he wouldn't eat his veggies and now he's not eating at all or moving from out of his igloo. He's not drinking either. I will have to see if I can get him some recovery food, but at this age I worry that I'm just going to make him suffer by doing that.
As others have said, 8 is a great age! Of course I wanted my oldies to live forever or at least till the next spring for garden trips and then maybe for the whole summer and garden trips etc, but sometimes sadly their time came a little earlier.

I know you're not meant to feed guineas oatflakes but when I had a couple of oldies with teeth problems, after the vet trip and teeth being dealt with, I fed them small oatflakes by hand, even making the flakes smaller myself. At a health store you should be able to get different grades/sizes of oatflakes. My oldies then started taking them from a bowl by themselves. I also fed them tiny, tiny slivers of carrot. They both recovered too, but they were younger than 8 at the time.

One thing I read on this forum is: guineas don't have the ambition to live to 8 or 9 or 10. They live for today! I bet your guinea has had many, many happy to-days in your care and that's the best you can give him. It's then our grief that hits when they pass from a life well-lived.

Wishing you and your little guy the best!
Thanks, he's still hanging in there. I tried to give him some emergency food, but it just kind of dribbles out of his mouth. He won't swallow. I'm calling around this morning to see if I can find any vet that will take him, but the only one so far is 60 miles away and wants $500 up front before they even do anything. I hope he can pass on soon for his own sake. At least some regular vets will be open tomorrow.
Thanks, he's still hanging in there. I tried to give him some emergency food, but it just kind of dribbles out of his mouth. He won't swallow. I'm calling around this morning to see if I can find any vet that will take him, but the only one so far is 60 miles away and wants $500 up front before they even do anything. I hope he can pass on soon for his own sake. At least some regular vets will be open tomorrow.


What a nightmare for you! I am so sorry. 😭
*Hugs* Thanks. I wish more vets opened on the weekend for occasions like this :(

I must admit that even if with the price hikes in out of hours fees in recent years in the UK - which is not quite in your league, the introduction of mandatory cover has been a real relief. however, I must admit that $500 just for the consultation only is on the breathtaking side. :yikes:

It makes you feel just so helpless. Please don't feel guilty; timing and circumstances out of your control are not your fault. We can never choose when and in what form the end comes. I have been there a few times with piggies of mine over the years. The worst part is your lack of control, not your lack of care or good intentions. We can only ever do our best in any given circumstances. It doesn't make you a bad owner. Just keep him as comfy and warm but not hot as you can.
Right? $500 at the door is just crazy.

Thanks guys for all your help.
I must admit that even if with the price hikes in out of hours fees in recent years in the UK - which is not quite in your league, the introduction of mandatory cover has been a real relief. however, I must admit that $500 just for the consultation only is on the breathtaking side. :yikes:

It makes you feel just so helpless. Please don't feel guilty; timing and circumstances out of your control are not your fault. We can never choose when and in what form the end comes. I have been there a few times with piggies of mine over the years. The worst part is your lack of control, not your lack of care or good intentions. We can only ever do our best in any given circumstances. It doesn't make you a bad owner. Just keep him as comfy and warm but not hot as you can.
Could he have any paracetamol suspension incase he's in pain?
I am so very sorry your boy had to leave for the Rainbow Bridge 🌈 he will take all of the love you have for him with him as he crosses and although your heart is breaking it will be if immense comfort to him 🌈