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My 2yo sow is suddenly extremely hungry


New Born Pup
Jan 18, 2025
Reaction score
Hi there! I have two 2 year old sows, one of which has been acting very odd recently. The two of them currently have a cold and what I suspect to be a fungal infection, they are yet to go on treatment for them.
But one (Moon) has been so hungry today it’s like she has never eaten before?!
I took her out earlier this afternoon to do my weekly health check and I kept rewarding her with romaine lettuce. But every time that I did she would eat it so quickly and make a funny sound whilst eating. I’m not fully sure on how to describe the noise but it’s sort of like a wet sound? I may be able to get a video this evening or tomorrow if need be. It’s really odd, she is usually a very food-y girl, but doesn’t like to eat out of her cage, so this is odd?…
She has also been not wanting me to touch her at all and sometimes squeaking at me (not screaming or wheeking, just the squeak they do to say “don’t touch me”). She’s always hated cuddles but can usually tolerate a few chin rubs and head scratches so I don’t know why she’s acting out when I touch her.
I have also recently started to suspect that she may have ovarian cysts, but she has got no hair loss. Her current symptoms are: Heightened hormones (being mad and hating her sister - she’s not the dominant one btw), Crusty nipples (could be related to fungal infection), Pear shaped body - but I'm not sure if that’s just the way she is, Not wanting me to touch her back/sides or pretty much at all!
I hope I’ve said everything and in enough detail, sorry to say so much at once, but I'm very worried about her as I already lost her sister in august due to cancer in her lymph node.
Thank you :)
Welcome to the forum

Guinea pigs do not get viral colds. They
get bacterial respiratory infections - these are always a serious issue requiring prompt diagnosis and if diagnosed, antibiotic treatment.
Please do get them seen by a vet. Diagnosis and the start of a treatment for a potential URI should not be delayed.
Same for a potential fungal infection.

If she is feeling unwell, then her not wanting to be touched could be expected. If she has skin issues then she may be feeling very uncomfortable.

Our advice, other than seeing a vet, is to switch to daily weight checks so you can more closely monitor hay intake. A piggy who is feeling unwell can often reduce hay intake (a voraciousness for veg does not negate the fact that hay intake may have dropped during a period of illness).
If she is and has lost weight of more than 50g, please step in with syringe feeding.

Welcome to the forum

Guinea pigs do not get viral colds. They
get bacterial respiratory infections - these are always a serious issue requiring prompt diagnosis and if diagnosed, antibiotic treatment.
Please do get them seen by a vet. Diagnosis and the start of a treatment for a potential URI should not be delayed.
Same for a potential fungal infection.

If she is feeling unwell, then her not wanting to be touched could be expected. If she has skin issues then she may be feeling very uncomfortable.

Our advice, other than seeing a vet, is to switch to daily weight checks so you can more closely monitor hay intake. A piggy who is feeling unwell can often reduce hay intake (a voraciousness for veg does not negate the fact that hay intake may have dropped during a period of illness).
If she is and has lost weight of more than 50g, please step in with syringe feeding.

Alright, thank you so much! :)
I didn’t know they couldn’t get colds? The vet is the one who told me that, but she did specify in dogs. which I'm kind of mad about they didn’t give me the rodent specialist at the exotic vets! :(
I will weigh her daily and try and arrange a vet appointment for them both in the next few days, once again, thank you so much! ☺️