Junior Guinea Pig
i lost my two baby girls this afternoon and i am absolutely mortified and devastated. all my guinea pigs are housed outside as we don’t have enough room for them inside. i literally had a conversation with my mum earlier on today that we were going to have to bring them in now that it’s getting too cold. we had picked up more hay and got vegetables from the shops and i got home, let my dog out, heard the girls squeaking for food and i thought to myself, let me help mum put the food away and sort some things out and i’ll feed them. i cut the veg ready for all my guinea pigs went down to their hutch and i had no welcome from them. i instantly got scared as they usually race to greet me. i looked around and found them both laid beside each other dead. my heart completely dropped. they were alive and in less then 2 hours they were gone. i am truly truly heartbroken. i never wanted to house guinea pigs outside as i know it’s no life for them and now my worst fears have come true. the girls did have hay and they did have a thermal hutch cover as well but that didn’t do anything. i can’t believe it. please if anyone has guinea pigs housed outside this winter, please let my mistakes be a lesson. please bring your guinea pigs inside this winter because they will die like mine have. the love i had for my guinea pigs was unmatched. i will never own guinea pigs after this again, my heart is completely destroyed and i absolutely hate myself.