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Murphy still not well now on Science Recovery

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Senior Guinea Pig
Aug 25, 2007
Reaction score
Bottesford, North Lincolnshire
Murphy was back at the vets today after i got home last night he was off his back legs. Due to not eating properly i thought it could be he is low it Vit C.

He was not himself last night as even though he has been off his food and had the heaving hicups he has been himself.

Hicups have now gone no fluid coming up now. Just off the food eating but very small amounts. Drinking as normal.

OH was at home with him this am and decided to take him into the girls run in his carrier so they could see each other but not get to each other. Well how he has picked him up seems like a different piggy from the one last night!

Vet checked him again still cant find anything wrong so she decided to put him on Science Recovery syringe feed every two hours to build him up. He has also got Vit C drops to put in his water bottle.

Is it mad to think that he could be off his food as he is lonely, because he is fostered i dont know if he is used to being with another piggy as he came in the RSPCA on his own?

Also Science Recovery question it says to feed every two hours forgot to ask the vet if i need to feed him in the night. Any thoughts dont mind if it does mean that as i will do that to get him back to full health.

Will be a nightmare at work if I'm tired but heh he is worth it lol.
Yes there is a possibility that Murphy is missing other pigs.They do hate to be on their own.Boars seem to do better by themselves than sows,but I still think all pigs need the company of their own kind.
As he is eating a bit himself,one small feed during the night should be sufficient/

It would be better to put the vitimin c supplement in a syringe rather than in the water bottle.No meds or supplements should be given in the water bottle.You have no idea how much the pig has had.Given by syringe straight into the mouth,you know exactly.
I have given him 50 mls of water with the correct amount in his bottle. When i get home from work i will take it out his bottle and syringe feed it to him. I will give him his last Science at 11 and then set my alarm for about 3 then start again at about 7 will that be ok?

OH is on shifts so he can help me with the feeding whilst I'm at work.
That is fine.You are doing well.I know how exhausting it is to nurse a sick piggy.,and having to go to work does not help.

I would try adding some ground up dry mix to the Recovery ,and you could add some liquidized veg as well.This will give a near normal diet.I never use Recovery by itself for more than 2 days.Some pigs will take mashed banana.
Good luck with this,hope there is improvement soon.
Thanks Mary thats great. Last night i mashed him up some carrot and he took that fine off a medicine spoon so i think he will be ok with me syringe feeding him.

Great how he picked up though when he saw the girls lol. I'm now praying that the RSPCA get a baby boar in soon so he can have a mate! When he is better i will put him back in the piggy shed with the other boys so that he can see them.

thanks again

Lindsay x
Got home from work mixed a packet of the Science up got it into the syringe expecting a battle getting him to take it, as soon as put it near his mouth he started sucking at the end of the syringe so i slowly released it into his mouth he went absolutley mad for it, he took 2 and a half syringes full so then i syringe fed him water with vit c in it and he went crazy over that as well gave him 2 of those then he smelt it in the dish and lapped the water up out of the dish.

So pleased he is taking it ok even gave him some celery after and he ate a piece of that straight off. He took the science from the syringe as if he was starving.

Still offering him his normal food as I'm sure i read somewhere that they can get addicted to syringe feeding.

He is back on his back legs now. :smitten:
Realy hope that Murphy soon picks up and starts feeling better, welcome to the knackered Guinea pig mummy club!
He is doing very well bless him he cant get enough of the Science Recovery he gulps it down. We has put on 20g as well. So so pleased with him. :smitten:
WOOO HOOO (doing a little dance here) go Murph O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0
Lindsay this is great, he obviously wants to eat and by you encouraging him it will keep him interested... that's a HUGE step as anyone will tell you :)
as long as he's having food every 2-4 hours this should stimulate his system enough... i'm sure from what the others (lovely mods :smitten:) have advised that this is right if not i'll stand corrected :)
As far as you overnight ritual, i do about the same. Funnily enough mine is 4am 8am 12noon 4pm 8pm Midnight.... and in between i try a little more water and offer lots of veggies and pellets (he hates hay grrrrrrrrrrrrrr we can only get crap stuff and now i can finally source the good oxbow... he wont eat it )

For you Murphy boy :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Just rang home to see how my boy is doing and he has just had another feed from the OH gulped it down again and he just loves the water with Vit C in it.

Bless him, with the vet saying nothing is wrong makes me think he is lonely. He needs a friend i think. Keep praying for a baby boar for him. :smitten:
Oh god yeah there is no way i could let anyone else have him he has spent more time with me than my others have with him living in the house with us. Nursing him through all this is making myself and the OH very close with him I'm sure its the same for Murphy as well with us. :smitten:

Not discussed it with the OH properly but i think we will keep him. He is meant to be getting neutered when he is well again so he could team up with the girls after that.

With all he has been through dont think i would trust anyone else to have him hope that doesnt sound mean. Plus it looks like he has been poorly cos of stress of moving/possibly loosing his hutch mate so i couldnt put him through that again i dont think.
Murphy has picked up loads looks back to normal now it fact he seems hypo he has been bombing about being really boystrous lol

He still cant get enough of the water I'm feeding him with the vitamin C in it.

He started weaking when he smelt the Science that i was mixing up lol

He is eating small amounts of veg and muesli as well as his Hay.
Quick Murphy update.

Gave him his Science this am left him a bowl of greens OH said he ate the lot and has eaten a good lot of his muesli so didnt need to give him any Science so i have just given him some for his tea to keep building him up.

Touch wood we are on the up :smitten: :smitten:
Great to hear that the little fellas doing well, Its amazing how messy you can get with that Science recovery-I looked like an extra from "Dads Army" tonight

I am betting that he's going to be moving in permanently!

P.S Hows Jimmy and Jack?
Murphy is back eating again now thanks goodness! I am still giving him one lot of Science a day to keep building him up. He is putting lots of weight on.

Today he has had his first bath as he was getting a bit smelly when he was poorly he trailed his back legs in his wee.

He was so good having his bath he didnt hardly wriggle at all and loved the blow dry afterwards!

Here he is looking all clean and gorgeous. Def recommend GG Just for boars. :smitten:


He is sweet. Is this the little guy you are fosterning? I couldn't rehome him either, I'd be such a poor foster mummy! :D

Glad he is doing well! Is he a pew?

Yes he is our foster piggy. :smitten:

Think we will end up keeping him we have just got so close to him and him us. He is so tame he sits with us on a night watching tele never ever wees on us!

When i asked what breed he was on the forum one person said white lilac as he has got a light lilac sort of colour patches on him. His eyes are red.

He looks even more gorge now he has had his bath his white is glowing :smitten:
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