Dilly's Piggies
Teenage Guinea Pig
My girl had 2 lovely baby girls, that are now 8 weeks old. Both of them are staying with me. Mum however has been pulling out the youngest babies hair in clumps around her bum/back legs, for no apparent reason. She is not doing this to the eldest baby, only the youngest one. The baby is squealing so loud every time as it is quite obviously painful for her, but they are not fighting. It doesn't look like Mum is attacking the baby, she's sharing food, water and hideys with the babies no problem, and has always been a fantastic Mum to these pups, this hair pulling only started about 2 weeks ago. The baby has become really difficult to handle, she used to be very calm and love her cuddles, but now she's very agitated, fidgety, and is biting me very hard, I'm wondering if it's because of the Mum pulling her hair and she has sore spots as a result.
This baby is a Mummy's girl and I'm wondering if Mum is doing this because the baby is too attached to her, and Mum wants her space now, with them being 8 weeks old. Would this be a correct assumption?
I do also have 5 other sows that live together, I could integrate the baby with them, maybe she will do better with them, but I don't want to split Mum and the 2 pups up so lightly, I would much prefer if they could all stay together. If it seems for the best that she should move families, I'm quite happy to do that, for her own comfort.
This baby is a Mummy's girl and I'm wondering if Mum is doing this because the baby is too attached to her, and Mum wants her space now, with them being 8 weeks old. Would this be a correct assumption?
I do also have 5 other sows that live together, I could integrate the baby with them, maybe she will do better with them, but I don't want to split Mum and the 2 pups up so lightly, I would much prefer if they could all stay together. If it seems for the best that she should move families, I'm quite happy to do that, for her own comfort.