mum and babies....

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Sep 20, 2007
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Vale of Glamorgan
if you remember me, my romeo turned out to be a girl and had 4 babies 1 boy and 3 girls - they are over two months now, and mum lives with the girls, but i noticed that mum doesn't seem herself anymore - she never popcorns, she eats fine, but if any of the babies goes near her or touches she is flinches all the time and raises her head like to say stay away all the time - they live in two cages put together, which works out at just over 6 foot by nearly two foot she rumbles to some of the girls which is normal behavious- when the dad who is in the cage next to them bites the cage, she stands up and bites the cage like to be near him, maybe she misses him? I just dont know whether its me being paranoid or whether I should be worried cose she doesn't seem herself...what do you think? thank you x
if concerned get her vet checked and get dad fixed so maybe they could live together but no more babies. and then maybe she will be happy. if she is like people after i had kids i didn't feel like jumping and bouncing full of energy either i was always too tired. so get vet checked and maybe get dad fixed so they can live togther and be happy. please keep us posted. sending hugs :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
Sometimes when sows are going to live with their daughters they need a break from the babies. What i tend to do with litters here is when the babies reach 6-8weeks remove Mum and giveher a total rest with a private cage lots of goodies to eat and after a few weeks intorduce her back to her babies. I find this works very well and gives the babies a change to wean properly they may still be pestering Mum to be fed and cared for, in my exoerience it is better to remove her for a little while so she has a break and the kids grow up a bit then get them back together later. Have done this before and it worke well. If you think it is not just behaviourall then a trip to the vets might be in order but after nursing 4 babies and then 3 for 8weeks plus wouldn't you need a rest and recovery time and the quiet cage with the boy next door be more inviting ;D
I hope she feels more herself soon. x
Would definitely not want her having any more babies, I know the vets charges about £64 or something to get boys done, but I think it might be worth it in the end, if it makes her happy… I did get her out on her own for about half an hour last night, I sat on the bed and she just got comfy on me and snuggled in – maybe I should do that more often – I don’t have any more spares cages and can’t really go buying any more, but I will make sure she has time on her own away from the babies. If she is still the same, I’ll take her to the vets and also shall speak to my vets about getting Coco done so she can live with him. Thanks and you’re right you would want a rest after having 4 babies and then 3 of them living with you straight after – I shall give her needed “mumâ time 
mum seems much better now, though the younger girls are starting to teeth chatter at each other but are not inflicting any bites, but I hope to god they don't cose I dont want to end up having to seperate them i haven't got the room to buy another two cages! and if this does end up happening I will have to look at rehoming two of the babies cose we really cant have any more cages as the hamsters take up one bedroom and the piggies and chin take up my bedroom!
awwwww you sound such a lovely mummy and just so so concerned :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Great to hear all is more 'normal' lets hope the girlies sort themselves out soon and you'll have happy piggies and you'll be a relieved mummy :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
The girls are probably just getting their pecking order sorted have they got plenty of space/hidey holes to get away from each other?
their cage is 6 ft by 2 and they have four of those igloos, two at each end of the cages, and there is room to run around etc. I think maybe in a few months, when I get some more money I'll add another cage on the end so they have about 9 ft by 2 ft then for the four of them.
I get my new mummy out for an hour of pampering every day think she deserves it. Since i have done this I have noticed a big change with her but she still whines for her hubby ;D

I can't wait for them 2 to be back together. The babies bit's keep changing so not 100% sure on sex as of yet, gonna take them to a rescue to help me as don't want any more accidents lol. Hoping it's 2 girls so they can all be together but to be honest pretty sure I have 2 boars. x
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